Ch. 2 - Still In To You

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*Luke's P.O.V*

"I thought you would want me to leave" I say shamefully as I walk back over to the chair.

"Why would I?" Michael asks in confusion, his eyebrows furrowing.

"I- Uhh, never mind" I sigh, sitting back down.

"Luke?" he says in a quiet voice.

"Yeah, Mikey- uhh, Mike?" I say, looking back up at him.

"Talk to me" he says with a small smile.

"W-What do you want to talk about?" I ask, leaning forward in the chair.

"Tell me about us" he says, still smiling faintly at me.

I furrow my eyebrows at him, "You want to hear it? I thought you wouldn't want to know" I say in confusion.

Michael pulls himself up into more of a sitting position than he was already in. "Luke, I don't remember us" he says seriously, "Do you know what I do remember?".

"No, what?" I ask quietly.

"I remember having a crush on you" he says, smirking slightly, and I feel my cheeks flush.

"You do?" I ask with a small smile.

"Yes" he replies, giving me a big grin. His smile fades slightly before he continues, "I find it hard to believe we are a thing, but Ashton had proof, and you looked completely heartbroken about me not remembering it all, so I want to at least try to remember".

"You do?" I ask, my eyes lighting up before I could stop them. Michael starts smiling again, that gorgeous smile he does when he can tell he has successfully make someone feel better.

"Of course I do" he says with a slight laugh, "As I said, I had- no, have- a crush on you, be thankful for that, because otherwise I don't think I would of even let you back in here".

A wave of happiness washes through me when he says the word 'have'. He still likes me, he still likes me, thank god!

I was about to say something, but Michael interrupts me by talking again. "Let's start over, our whole relationship, let's just start over" he suggests in a somewhat cheerful tone, "That way, if I don't end up remembering our past relationship, it doesn't matter".

I just stare at Michael thoughtfully for a moment, thinking about what he just suggested. Starting over doesn't sound like the greatest plan, I mean, things don't always work out a second time round. At the same time, though, it's a great idea... I think.

"Luke?" He asks in slight confusion, and I realise I hadn't actually responded to him yet.

"Oh, yeah" I say, shaking my head in attempt to clear my thoughts, "Let's start again".

Michael holds his right hand out towards me, a cheeky smile on his face, "Hey, I'm Michael, you remember me but I don't remember you".

I try to hold back a laugh as I reach out and shake his hand. "Nice to remember you, Michael!" I smile at him.

"So-?" Michael says, giggling quietly, "Tell me about us".

I hum thoughtfully as I rearrange my seating position so that I'm leaning on my right side now. "Well" I smile, "I suppose you don't remember how we met?".

"I remember how we met, but we hated each other- and I assume that's not what you meant, so no, I don't" he explains, laughing at himself when he had realised what I meant and changed his sentence mid-way.

"Right" I chuckle, "Well, it was at a party, Calum's party".

"Hey, I remember that party" Michael interjects, his face lighting up.

"How can you remember which one? I didn't say which of his many parties we met at" I say, rolling my eyes jokingly.

"I know, because I remember meeting someone, and getting their number from Calum the next day so I could ask them out... Or was that a dream?" Michael asks, getting confused at the end of his sentence.

"No, no dream, that's how we met!" I say, feeling hopeful that maybe Michael might get his memory back quicker than I first thought.

"Good" Michael says with a smile that fades after a few seconds, "It would be nice if I could actually remember that it was you though".

"You will" I say with a supportive smile, reaching for his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"How though?" He asks, sounding almost completely hopeless, "I don't know how to remember".

"And if you don't" I tell him calmly, "We can do exactly what you just said before, we can start over".

Michael stares at our hands for a moment before whispering "I'd still like to remember though".

"I know" I sigh, "I'd like you to remember as well, but just remember, it's not your fault if you don't".

Michael bites his bottom lip and looks up at me, clearly trying to look stronger than he really is. "Okay... So, tell me more about us" he says finally.

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