Part 2 - 14 Years Later

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*Dream POV*

I sigh as I turn my car off. The store was way too crowded, it makes it hard to do shopping when I have the chance of being recognized. I unbuckle my seatbelt and start to get out when I see that the house next door has finally sold.

'I wonder who is moving in.' I thought as start to get the groceries from the back seat and bring them to the front door. Forgetting that the door was locked I have to do the awkward move of not dropping everything while I get my keys back out. I get the door unlocked and bring everything in and start putting it all away. I get everything put away and start to make my way to the living room, taking my phone out for something to stare at, when a knock is heard from the door.

I put my phone back in my pocket and make my way to the door and open it to see a slightly shorter man with dark brown hair, brown eyes behind some red glasses, a slightly baggy light blue hoodie, and some black jeans. He's kind of cute. "Hello?" I ask him.

"Hi, my name's George. I just moved in next door, I'm just going about to meet all the neighbors." The boy introduced himself. I noticed that he had an accent, it fitted him well. He must be from overseas.

I smile at him and lean against the door frame. "Well, nice to meet you. My name is Dream. How many of the other neighbors have you met?" I ask.

"So far, just you. But you're also the first person that I've tried." He let a small smile find it's way onto his face, he seemed happy to get to talk with someone.

I cross my arms. "Well, word of the wise, I would be a little more on the careful side when talking with the Barnes." I nod my head over to the house on the other side of the street and he looks behind him at the house in question. "They like to think that everyone they don't know is out to get them for some reason. I don't know what they did, but they are some of the most paranoid people I have ever met." I then lean out and look to the other side of his house. "Now the old folks on the other side of your place, the Peterson's, they are like the grandparents you never had. They'll bring you cookies and if you ever go over they will make sure you go back home with leftovers." He moves his head to look at the other house next to his as I talk about it, then I see him looking back at me in the corner of my eye.

*George's POV*

Dream seems to know so much about everyone living here. "How long have you been here?" I ask him, wanting to talk more. He seems so interesting, and I don't mind the view.

He leans back against the door frame again and looks back down at me before answering. "I've lived here in this place for about a year now, before that I was still living with my parents just a few blocks over so it's not like I was going into something I didn't already know about. Now, how about yourself? You don't sound like you're from around here."

"I have some family around here that said they would have a really good job for me, and I guess they talked to my parents about it for me and they decided that I should take it. They were the ones that got the house for me. It was really nice of them and funny enough, I used to live here in the States a long time ago, I don't remember it much, but I guess it wasn't too far from this place." When I said that he had a look of shock on his face, but went back to the smile practically right away. If I wasn't looking at him I don't think I would have even seen the change of expression.

Before I even had time to ask him about it he spoke up with another question. "So what is it that you'll be doing?"

"Oh, my Uncle is a doctor and he has a small clinic. He just needs someone to help run the front desk for a while. I also do some programming work here and there."

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