Part 3 - Boardwalk

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TW: Slight homophobia later on, ***I'll make sure to mark it for those that don't want to read it.*** Just remember that you're loved, and if no one will say it to you I brove(bro love) you!

*George POV*

Today was the day I started work at my Uncle's place. It's been about a week from when I moved in, and I've gotten to go around town and get a basic understanding of where places were. I've also met the rest of the neighbors and got to hang out with Dream some more. He gave me his number, and ever since then he has sent me at least one picture of his cat every day. As I was leaving my house to start my way to the bus stop my phone goes off.

While walking down the street I pull my phone out and smile to see it's an image from Dream. Normally it's just Patches, but this time he had managed to pick her up and take a selfy with her. She didn't look too happy to be in this position, she had a paw on his upper cheek, causing him to have the eye above closed so it looked like he was winking, and looking at him with her mouth was open in what looked to be the middle of a meow.

Dream: Good luck! Let me know when you're off
work, we can go out for dinner if you want. ;)

Me: Alright, I'll let you know. I hope Patches
isn't too mad at you for today's pic.

Dream: She'll be fine, once she comes out of
hiding I'll let her you were worried about her.

I got on the bus and waited for my stop, getting off and walking the rest of the way. After walking into the clinic a girl with long brown hair welcomed me from behind the desk, she must be working here as well.

"Hello, is Dr. Clark in yet?" I ask

"He is in today, but we are very busy and are not able to do walk-ins today." She says.

"I'm not looking for an appointment, he's my uncle and I just need to talk to him for a moment." I say after I walk up to the desk. She got an odd look on her face, I'm not sure that she believes me. "He did say I would be working here didn't he?"

She shakes her head. "I don't remember him saying anything about that."

I sigh slightly to myself. "Can you at least go and ask him? Please?" I saw that she looked a little uneasy about this. "I'll watch the desk and if anyone comes in that I'll let them know that you stepped away for a moment." She then nodded after a moment.

"Can I get your name then sir?" She asks.

I smile at her. "George."

She then smiled back and stood from her chair. "Alright, give me just a moment then." She then walked to the back. Just a moment later the girl and my uncle came out.

"George! Nice to see that you made it here safe." He moved in to hug me. I hugged him back really quick. "Let's take a step into my office for just a moment."

*Dream POV*

"Patches, I'm sorry! I swear I won't pick you up for pictures again." I say as I'm looking under my bed with a small bowl of tuna. She just sat there looking at me, clearly not amused with me at all at the moment. I sigh before talking to my cat again, you know, like a normal person. "Okay, I'll leave you be then and let you come out when you want. Just know that George was worried about you." I leave the tuna for her and get up.

I walk to my office and start working on something that SapNap wanted to try to do for a video.

~Time skip, cause lazy~

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