10 - Finally Free

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*George POV*

Dream held my hands in his while looking me in the eyes, not even bothering to look out at the beautiful sky with a full moon hanging there surrounded by countless stars. "George," He said just above a whisper. "I love you. You are my everything, and if I ever lost you it would be as if I lost part of myself." He then leans down and kisses me gently. As if he was any less gentle I would break under his touch.

I quickly do what I can to kiss him back, enjoying this feeling. I feel his lips move up in a smile and then his lips are gone from mine. I hadn't realized that I closed my eyes, but I see the love of my life smiling at me when I open them. I smile back at him. "I love you too Dream, I'm so happy that we started dating so long ago. I don't know what I would do if we didn't know each other, you're my world." I lean up and kiss Dream again, closing my eyes as well. 

I hear him take a sharp deep breath through his nose and feel one of his hands leave mine, only to feel it on the back of my head, deepening the kiss. His fingers lightly curled, gripping my hair, but not enough to be a discomfort. 

Dream pulls away again after a while, giving me a quick peck before resting his forehead on mine. I feel his hot breath on my cheeks. I then feel his arms move to be around my waist in a hug.

I open my eyes again and I'm looking at Dream's nightstand, his arms are still around my waist. I roll over as gently as I can to try and not wake the man now in front of me. I spend the next few minutes just studying his face. After a while Dream shifts, pulling me closer to him, and his eyes slowly open and look into mine. 

He smiles before lightly kissing my forehead. "Good morning beautiful." His morning voice gravely. 

I smile back at him. "Good morning love." I say back to him.

I hear a content sigh. "What do you want to do today?" 

"Hhmm, I think I just want a nice relaxing day with this really hot guy I know." I answer.

He pulls me away slightly and looks down at me. "And who might this guy be?" He asks.

I laugh slightly. "Well, he's a tall blond with amazing emerald eyes that I could get lost in for hours. He is almost always in a cozy green hoodie that I've been given the pleasure of wearing once or twice, and he's obsessed with Minecraft."

He got that I was talking about him and the smile got bigger. "This hot guy doesn't happen to have a name does he?"

I nod. "Dream, which is fitting as he's my dream boy." This makes the blond laugh so hard that he ended up being a wheezing mess, which ended up making me laugh with him.

After he had managed to calm down enough to talk, he managed to get some words out. "What has you so cheesy this morning?" 

I think for a moment while opening and closing my mouth, then quickly kiss the tip of his nose. "Just that I have you." I say as I get back into my cozy position in Dream's arms.  I look up at his face and his cheeks are a deep red. "Aw, did I make big man Dream all blushed?" 

He gives me a warm smile. "Only because you're the cutest boyfriend ever." He then gives me another kiss on the top of my head before resting his chin where he kissed, making me have my face in his neck/collarbone area. I close my eyes and end up falling asleep again for a while.

*Dream POV*

George fell asleep in my arms again, I close my eyes and relax listening to his deep breathing and ever so light snores that you have to be listing for them to hear them. I don't know how it was that I got so lucky to have him, but I don't plan on letting him slip away again so easily. I hug him a bit closer to me without realizing it and ended up waking the sleeping boy in my arms by accident. 

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