Beach day

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(H) *changes in swimsuit* kyoya

(K) yes

(H) can you tie the top neck straps since the bottom clip

(T) *walks in his bedroom next door*

(K) yes *tieing straps* I have suspicions on that opal girl tamiki came with

(H) she tried to make a move on you kyoya  right in front of everyone even me and tamiki before tamiki went and told her we are engaged

(K) yes but I pushed her off since your love is the only love I accept, I jest don't want tamiki to get heartbroken again by another women since he is happy in the relationship he has I jest hope she won't hurt him

(T) he cares that much about me

(H) your his best friend you always care about him even when we were in club for four years you didn't show it but I knew you did since he's your bestfriend

(K) I just don't want him to get hurt by another women since he saw right in front of him that she was trying to get ready to make a move when women don't go up to you wrapping their arms around men that they just met

(H) well now this women knows I'm your fiance nothing would separate us right before our wedding that's coming up next month

(T) *walks in room* haruhi kyoya everyone's ready outside

(K) ok will head out now

(Hh) hey there you all are

(T) sorry took us a little while

(Kh) it's fine let's get to this beach

(Ho) *runs to water* common haruhi let's go have fun

(R) I'd also like to ask what are we doing for tonight's dinner?

(T) meats or chicken stew

(O) why not sea food since we are at a beach

(K) my fiance gets sick from sea foods she's tried it a few times but the only main seafood she will eat is sushi

(O) but that doesn't affect the rest of us

(M) I'm in for meats honey eats lots of sweets so it is good for the body

(T) alright meat it is and opal we have sushi in the fridge if you want that

(O) alright

(H) honey isn't that the rock we went on during highschool

(Ho) *looks up* yeah it is

(H) wanna go up and see the view

(Ho) awesome let's do it

(H) *walks away with honey*

(M) everyone where's nozuka?

(A) I don't see haruhi either

(O) maybe they left

(K) we just got out here a few minutes ago

(Ri) I saw fujioka and honey walk up a path I think it leads to that cliff right there

(T) that's the same cliff haruhi went on when she protected those girls from being harrassed on our old beach date

(O) she defended girls from being harrassed?

(K) haruhi was still dressing as a male host member and instead of getting us for help she defended some girls after two men wouldn't leave them alone

(Hh) that caused haruhi to be tossed from the cliff to the ocean where tamiki and kyoya had to save her and we beat up the two men since she's our club princess and we all will protect her even if were now just a  group of friends from highschool who are all adults in our 20s

(O) I guess you do have a pretty interesting group

(T) they are all my family

(K) *looks up at haruhi* now I get to say my I do's with the love of my life in a few weeks

(O) you get married next month to haruhi

(K) yes and it's going to be one of the best day's of my life

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