Act l

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Lilly looked around the void from up high, watching helplessly as her friends were pulled upward by the strings. Then something strange happened. One minute Lilly was suspended mid-air, caught in the void's many strings, and the next she was looking at Several TV screens. "Look Lilly it's all your friends they seem so happy". Lilly looked. "They look happier than normal do you know why that is?". "No," Lilly said bluntly pulling at the strings she was trapped in "It's because you're not there". "Wha-" "It's because your not there Lily. They all hate you. The only reason why they put up with you is because you're Bailey's sister". "No, no that's not true they care about m-"

"Oh come on we all know it's true". Lilly tried to focus on anything but that haunting voice. The truth was that Lilly had always doubted herself, feeling like people didn't really like her and only just tolerated her. She knew it wasn't true but it seemed so convincing now with someone else confirming all her doubts about herself. Lilly tried pulling at the strings again trying helplessly to break free from the player's words, from this haunting prison of lies that seemed so true.

The player continued to tell Lilly she was worthless and that no one cared about her. To make matters worse, the screens started to echo the player's messages, telling Lilly she didn't matter in every voice she had ever heard - her parents, her brother, her friends, and her teachers. She heard Billy's voice, Ted's voice, Nugget's voice, Kid's voice and... one principle's voice, in particular.

That kindergarten had given Lilly enough childhood trauma to last a lifetime, but something about that voice made Lilly stop crying it changed her mood completely. The player had messed up. They must've thought Lilly would be sad from hearing that man's voice but quite the opposite. Lilly's tears ran dry and she thought long and hard about all the amazing stuff anyone had ever said about her. She thought about how much her friends and parents loved her. She thought about how much she wanted to prove people like Cindy and the principal wrong.

Everything here was just a lie, a fabrication. And when Lilly realized that, she felt stronger than a player would ever be... "I'm not your puppet." The glass on the TV shattered. The strings recoiled and Lilly fell down....down....down...

Simultaneously, Billy was being dragged upward by the player's strings, still screaming and crying for his sister. Up high, the void seemed to collapse on itself, shifting from a light blue to a darker shade.  Billy felt the need to breathe more than usual as he was submerged in a greenish-blue substance. A déjà vu overwhelmed Billy as he started to silently panic. The player didn't even need to say anything. Billy was already succumbing to his fears. This was almost too easy...

Billy banged on the glass. If it weren't for the liquid around him he would've been hyperventilating. Billy's mind flashed back to that stuffy place under the principal's office that he remembered all too well. Billy was drowning in an ocean of old memories, sinking further down the more he tried to forget.

It felt like the world was caving in on him as his lungs started to fail. No, no, it can't end like this. He had gotten out of here once, he could do it again. Although, that time Lilly and Kid had been there to save him. But no one was here now. Billy was all alone. Part of Billy wanted to just curl up in a ball and die here, trying seemed so hard. But that's not what he was going to do. If no one was here to save him then he was going to have to save himself. Billy held together all the strength he had left, closed his eyes focused. If he hit the glass at an angle, it would break faster. He just needs to... CRASH! The glass broke as Billy fell out of the test tube.

The Player scowled but their disdain didn't last for long. As angry as they felt at the escape of both Lilly and Billy, he had other puppets to play with. Billy had fallen on the shattered glass. Pieces were stuck in his arms and legs making him bleed, but at least he could breathe now. The void collapsed for a second time and suddenly Billy was back with his sister "BILLY, OH MY GOD!" Lilly screamed, running towards her brother.

  Meanwhile, in another part of the void, the player slithered towards a blonde-haired boy.  A sinister smile danced across their face, but Nugget was not scared...

      Nugget unlike the others had come in contact with the player multiple times in the past. Sure Nugget was considered crazy back in kindergarten but he was probably the smartest idiot there having knowledge of the time loops and resets. Nugget knew the player was still out there. He could sense the player's presence so when they approached Nugget, he was not frightened in the least.

The last time Nugget and the player had spoken they were on good terms, but now Nugget did not agree with the player. The time loops had gotten boring after a while. He found out everything he could about the resets. He didn't want them coming back. "This ends here," Nugget said.

The nugget-obsessed boy conjured a sword, a nugget sword. Nugget knew the rules of the mind. he also knew how to exploit loopholes. He could create anything he could imagine here. It did take almost a year to master the skill, but nugget had done it. In here, he had just as much power as the player.

"FOR NUGGETS FRIENDS!" Nugget screamed as he charged. The player jumped out of the way and conjured a sword of his own. The fight looked like something straight out of a movie. The player got in a jab, dangerously close to Nugget's leg. Nugget dished out some powerful blows, but they were nothing compared to the player's agility, making it almost impossible to get in a hit.

Finally after what seemed like hours of fighting, Nugget's sword hit its target in the player's chest. "Ả̷̮̙͚̜̓̕H̵̐̀̚ͅH̵̨̺̏̌̀͠R̶̫̙̤̉̀͠G̷̫̬̗̈́̄̇͒G̵̘͇̘G" The player screamed wincing in pain.

Nugget was teleported back to Lilly and Billy. The player was beyond mad now looking down at the hole in his chest. Pressing one button would enable the code of this universe to pop up. Pressing another button would pull up their health bar. They pressed firmly and the hole in the player's chest disappeared, leaving nothing but a tiny scar. Being impaled was just a minor setback, at least for the player. Besides, no matter what happens, the show must go on...

End of Act l

Puppet strings a kindergarten fanfic (Kid x Felix)Where stories live. Discover now