Now or never

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It had been a few days since Penny's injury. The day was gloomy. Kid trudged towards the school. He had missed the bus. The rain came down dull and hard. Kid pulled up his yellow rain jacket, but it was no use the rain still found a way to get him all wet.

The few past days had been humdrum. Lilly and Billy's family had gone to Seattle, Ted was sick, Penny was still getting repaired and Nugget was never around because he and Monty were working out the price to pay for a luxury shovel.

All and all he was not having the best week and to top it off the class was doing the standardized math test. Ugh, could this day get any worse?!

Apparently so, because once Kid got to lunch they were having bagels and cream cheese which would have tasted great except for the fact that the cream cheese was probably expired and tasted more like rotten milk than anything.

Prolonging the inevitable, Kid just sat down not getting lunch. He was sitting alone because his only friend who was currently at school was sitting with Monty and discussing the nugget trade.

Kid was staring down at his empty plate and worrying about the math quiz when he heard someone place their lunchbox on his table. He looked up to see Felix which would have been considerably strange seeing that he usually sat with the rich kids on the other side of the cafeteria, but today a lot of people were absent because of the rain so Felix sat next to Kid.

In fact, Felix and Kid were spending a lot of time together because almost everyone was absent. Felix actually wasn't too bad once you got to know him, sure he played the persona of the snobby rich boy, but he could be nice if he tried. Felix was surprised to see that Kid was very intelligent he Also was really funny and whenever he was around your problems seemed less important.

Today's the day, Kid thought as he walked to school holding a letter. If you had told Kid he would confess to Felix a few weeks ago he wouldn't have believed you, but here he was holding a love letter for Felix.

Kid had gone back-and-forth in his mind for the past few days if he should confess. Part of him was saying he should. He loved this boy right? What was there to lose? But the other half was reminding him that Felix would never accept a love letter from anyone especially not him.

In the end, he had chosen to confess. Ok Kid, stop panicking and overthinking everything and just man up and give it to him! Kid thought trying to be positive geez confessing was all this work was it even worth it?

After lunch, they were both outside at recess. Felix was leaning against a tree reading a book. Kid walked up to him and handed him the letter, "I-I like you Felix"

 Kid walked up to him and handed him the letter, "I-I like you Felix"

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Felix stared back at the brunette in pure shock. Kid liked him. Kid liked HIM! Felix was wide-eyed it felt like everything had slowed down. He did like Kid, but what would father say?

Felix was the brother who didn't screw up. Felix was the dependable twin. Felix was the better one right? NO! Felix was fed up with being perfect with being Responsible and good all the time. He hated trying to live up to his stupid father's expectations. It was exhausting! He knew he was going to lose his reputation and his father's "love", but now Felix was past caring. "I love you to Kid!"

Puppet strings a kindergarten fanfic (Kid x Felix)Where stories live. Discover now