Let the puppet show begin!

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Lilly and Billy ran into the restroom followed by Nugget, Penny, and the Huxley twins. "KID ARE YOU OK?-oh god", Billy said looking completely shellshocked. "What happened?! Where's Ki-", Penny stopped when she saw the unconscious boy lying on the cold bathroom tiles. "NUGGET IS HERE", Nugget said arriving after everyone else.

After the initial shock came the panic. "WHAT HAPPENED WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!", Ted frantically asked to no one in particular. "I DONT KNOW!?", Lily Snapped back at Ted "WHAT SHOULD WE DO!?", cried nugget. "First we need to-", Penny paused trying to find the words. "Call his parents...yeah we need to call his parents immediately and tell them what happened!"

"Great thinking Penny!", Billy said picking up his phone and dialing Kid's parent's number. "The person you're trying to contact is not available. Please try again later or leave a message at the beep. BEEEEEEP", the phone replied crushing everyone in the small bathroom's hopes at once. "Well now we're fucked", Lilly said defeat in her eyes. "Nuggets friends can still leave messages at the beep", Nugget pointed out.

After more panicking, a rushed voicemail to Kid's parents and a call to the cops which did practically nothing since the nearest police station was miles away. The group of teenagers were at a complete loss on what to do to help Kid. Finley after what seemed like hours, Felix spoke up. "Wait, Penny, can't you do a check-up on him to see what happened with your robot sense or something?".

"I didn't think of that but yeah! That would work!" Penny said, stooping down next to Kid's unconscious body. Penny placed her hand on Kid's heart and then...Penny fainted. "WHAT THE?!", Billy said jumping back. "How did that happen?!", Ted asked while stepping down to lift Penny off Kid. "NUGGET THINKS THAT'S A BAD IDEA-", but before nugget had time to properly object, Ted collapsed as well leaving the rest of the teenagers at a loss. "Well it's official, we're screwed," Lilly said looking down at the pile of bodies on the floor.

Penny opened up her eyes and looked up, but instead of being greeted with the familiar bathroom, she was somewhere completely different. Instead of tiles, the floor seemed to be made up of nothing. The same type of nothing the walls were made out of or were there any walls at all? It all Looked like a void of bluish-green with nothing in sight well except for Ted who had just gotten up. "What the?- Where are we?", he asked looking a bit dazed. "I have no idea", Penny replied.

Soon Lilly, Billy, Nugget, and Felix appeared behind them "Penny, Ted there you are. Wait where are we", Billy asked looking out at the void it was empty except for- "KID", Felix ran towards the only other thing in the void. Kid was suspended in the air by strings that hung from the ceiling. His eyes were closed. His body was limp and lifeless hanging there...

"Kid, Kid please can you hear me?!", Felix asked tears dripping down his face as he slowly lost his cool calm collected self. No, no, no. Kid can't be dead. This is all a dream, right? Oh, please let this be a dream. The Huxley twin thought himself closing his eyes and willing himself to wake up, but you can't wake up out of real-life and this, unfortunately, was not a dream...

"OH GOD KID!", Lilly screamed running forward as the rest followed her. "We need to get him down", Penny said trying to keep herself together long enough to get out of wherever they were. "And how are we going to do that?", Billy asked turning to Penny "Nugget thinks if one person lifted the other we would be able to get Nugget's friend down", Nugget said.

Ted lifted Nugget and just when Kid was and reach the strings puled him father up so there is no possibility of reaching him. "WHAT THE HELL!?", Lilly asked outraged as Ted and Nugget toppled over "I can't just let you save him", a voice echoed from behind. The group turned around abruptly and were met with the hollow eyes and icy stare of the player

"You found out how to enter Kids mind, frankly, I'm impressed" "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO KID?!" Lilly said stepping forward hatred in her eyes. "Oh, look it's the strong confident Lily here to save her best friend, you'll be fun to play with"

I that moment strings came down from the ceiling wrapping around Lilly and pulling her so far up it was almost impossible to see her. "LILLY NOOOOOO!", Billy cried. "let the puppet show begin!" With that, strings came down and trapped the people still on the ground pulling them higher up like marionettes being pulled by a puppeteer.

Puppet strings a kindergarten fanfic (Kid x Felix)Where stories live. Discover now