What is this feeling

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Kids face lit up red like Cindy's lipstick. "Uh I ummm", Kid was at a loss for words. "You're welcome", Felix said and left a flustered Kid behind him. He was also a bit ruffled though he tried to cover up and hide it. You're not supposed to feel that way towards a boy, let alone Kid who is middle class. You have a company to inherit get yourself together Felix, the blue shirted twin thought to himself.

Everyone was making their way down to the cafeteria. Kid took a beeline towards the usual lunch table. Lilly, Billy, Nugget and Ted where waiting for him. Kid grabbed a lunch tray. It was a Monday which meant sloppy joes. Kid wrinkled his nose at the soggy bread and messy meat slowly seeping out the side. He sat down at the table.

"Where's Penny?", Kid questioned, noticing the absence of a certain robot.
"Oh I think she's getting her lunch", Lilly said pushing her hair out of the way so she wouldn't get any food in it. A few moments later Penny came in through the cafeteria doors and sat down next to nugget and Teddy.

She was carrying a light blue lunchbox with a few small dents in it from various times she dropped it. Penny opened her lunchbox and pulled out What looked to be a soda from far away, but was really a can of oil. Penny was a robot so she didn't have to actually eat. Sometimes Kid wished he was a robot so he didn't have to eat the disgusting school food, then again he didn't want to drink oil.

"So how bad was your class?", Lily asked. "Well it was science, so not the best, l actually ran into Felix", Kids said trying to seem nonchalant. At that, Teddy looked up at the name of his brother. They haven't talked about Felix for a long time. The two Huxley brothers didn't have the best relationship because of something that happened in kindergarten involving a certain nugget cave and some spiders.

Felix was definitely less maniacal as he was back then, but Teddy still didn't like talking about him. Billy, seeing this, changed the subject". "Soooo what is your class's plans for the festival?". Billy was referring to the festival that happened near the start of school in about a month. The festival seemed like a cool thing where you dance and have fun, but it was really just an excuse to make the school look better.

The festival was a charity project where are all the classes would create different things to sell and all the money left over would go to charity, "Our teacher didn't say yet", kid explained finally taking a bite of his food "Nuggets teacher said it's either we're making wind chimes or pottery" Nugget said.

The bell rung once more and everyone cleaned up there lunch's and duped there left over food in bin. Kid had barely eaten but it wasn't really a big concern of his he could just get something from Monty or pay Carla to grab something from the teachers brake room.

Everyone maybe there was out to recess. Lilly and Penny where playing hop scotch, well if you could call it that. It had been stepped on and smudged so much you could barely see it.

Carla and Monty where "talking", but knowing them they were probably doing something that was not following the rule code. Cindy was looking annoyed, mumbling something about high prices and Monty being stupid crippled freak.

Everything was going fine until Penny tripped over a pothole in the asphalt and fell on the ground at a nasty angle. If she were human it would've hurt a considerable amount and she would probably have to go to the hospital, but because Penny was made with metal, all she had was a big dent and a few wires showing. Lilly and Billy helped to get her to the School doors probably to go find a teacher and explain what happened.

Kid tried to follow but the teacher who was outside at recess said that there Where Enough people and he should just stay here Penny would be fine. Kid tried to protest but knew it wouldn't be any use so he finally gave up.

Kid was still a little angry at the teacher for not letting him see Penny so he sat on a high stone wall witch he knew teachers thought was "dangerous." Kid was so caught up on trying to Annoy the teachers he didn't notice someone else was already on the wall. "Oh it's you I uh ha." Kid was so embarrassed.

He had had a tiny crush on the blue shirted Huxley twin for awhile, but had never told anyone his friend group didn't really like Felix and as much as wished he could date him he one didn't have the courage to talk to him let alone ask him out and two even if he did ask him out he doubted Felix would say yes.

Puppet strings a kindergarten fanfic (Kid x Felix)Where stories live. Discover now