everything was fine until it wasn't

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It was the week that Billy and Lilly would return from their vacation. Penny had been repaired a few days prior and Teddy was over his cold, so Kid thought this would be the best week to tell his friends about his boyfriend.

He had been putting it off for a long time, but he decided he was going to tell them today. Sitting in the creative writing class, working on parts of a conclusion, Kid wasn't really paying attention. He sat twirling his pen around and thinking about how he would tell Teddy that he was dating his brother.

Ugh, why does everything have to be so complicated, he thought, looking down at his half-finished conclusion. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the bell rang. Kid shoveled down his lunch and ran out to the playground. The rest of his friends were sitting and watching the dodgeball game. It wasn't really a proper dodgeball game because it was outside and people were just throwing balls and making up rules as they went, but it was still fun to watch.

"Hey guys, I have something to tell you all", Kid said sitting down next to his friends. "Oh, what is it?", Penny asked looking out at the game.

"Me and Felix are a couple now...."The words hung in the air. Lilly and Billy's jaws dropped in tandem. Penny's eyes glitched and she crashed. Nugget looked confused, although he usually looked confused. Ted looked back at Kid as if the brunette had confessed to murder. "Ummmm what?!", the Huxley twin asked. "yeah...I'm dating your brother, Ted" Kid Replied.

Kid's friends took a while for them to get used to Felix. It had been two weeks since Kid dropped the bomb. Besides Ted who had a mixed relationship with his brother Kids other friends Didn't completely hate Felix well Accept Lilly. She had a burning hatred for Felix. Lilly had had it ever since Second grade when something happened involving a stapler and a box of pencils that had sent them both to the principal's office. Lilly never told anyone why, but she always gave Felix dirty looks whenever she saw him. Kid hoped Lilly would keep her glares at a low considering Today Kids friends were going to have a sleepover at Nuggets house and Felix was indeed invited.

Kids struggled with the sleeping bag willing it to stay in a small ball. Once he finally got it to behave he got up said bye to his mom and walked over to Nugget's house. Kid felt something strange as he walked something wasn't right. He couldn't really explain it but he had this feeling almost like déjà vu he remembered feeling like this along time ago but he couldn't put his finger on when.
He kept thinking about it as he walked to Nugget's house. When did Kid felt like this? And then the answer hit him like a brick.

It was the first day of kindergarten. That's when he felt like this. When he was slowly losing control. "Oh no", he had to go back home. He had to do something he couldn't just-"Hey kid common in!", Billy said standing outside the door of nuggets house "Oh, yeah", kids said. Well, he was really in for it now. He should've just gone home or made an excuse that he was sick. He didn't notice was right in front of the house.

The brunette walked in and saw the rest of his friends and boyfriend playing cards. Lily and Felix were in an intense game of war. The others were playing Uno. Penny wasn't playing because she was a robot and she could predict everyone's moves in advance so it wouldn't be fair to the rest. Instead, she was making some popcorn for a movie.

After a few games of Uno and a mediocre movie which everyone made funny comments on Kid had almost forgotten about his weird feeling and the player. "my favorite actor was the dog" Ted said sending everyone in a fit of laughter "I got to go to the restroom give me a sec" kid said walking into the restroom. Kid looked at the mirror and to his horror, someone who is definitely not Kid looked back

  "long time no see" kid stumbled backward and hit the back of his head against the wall. "WHAT I-HOW" Kids stuttered rubbing the back of his head "I hope you enjoyed your freedom while it lasted", The player said his voice dark and layered switching Up a key and then back down again. The Player's voice didn't sound anything like a normal human's voice should sound. it switched up constantly so it sounded like multiple people talking it went from a dark voice filled with gravitas to A light high-pitched sound that made you want to run and hide.

"WHAT NO I-" kid protested, but the player didn't seem to care much. Its hand outstretched through the mirror and grabbed Kid by the collar. At its touch kid went limp and The player dropped the now unconscious kid on the floor. Footsteps rang through the hall coming towards the restroom. Some of them must've Heard the screams and come running. The Player's expression changed from excited insanity to a dark scowl he slipped his hand back to the mirror and disappeared. "KID ARE YOU OK-oh my god",

Puppet strings a kindergarten fanfic (Kid x Felix)Where stories live. Discover now