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jackson typing: how long do bunnies live for?

google: wild rabbits can live up to 2 years...

jackson: whAT? NO—

jackson rushing into their bedroom: no way, this cannot be happening!

irene half asleep: what's wro—

jackson crying hysterically and shaking her shoulders: BABY NOOO!! you cannot leave me after you've held on for the past 27 years! your humour might be like a grandma's and sometimes you scold me for anything, but you're kind and beautiful and i still love you so much!


jackson: you have to stay with me forever, you promised!!!

irene standing up to stretch: alright. i don't know what the heck you're talking about this time, but i'm giving you 5 seconds to run; 5...4...3...2—

jackson: shit—

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