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irene walking into jackson standing on a table: what the hell are you doing???

jackson whimpering: joo- joohyun... on- on the floor-.. cockroach-

irene screaming and jumping onto the table: AND WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER?!!! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW!?

jackson immediately hugging her: i thought you would kill it...—

irene: what?! do i look like an exterminator or something???

jackson: but i'm scared!

irene: well, so am i!

jackson: but you're older...

irene: older my ass! you're the man here!

jackson: but you know i'm really scared of them...

irene: and you know i am too!



30 minutes later

irene explaining the plan to for the 5th time: okay— jackson, honey, sweety, the love of my life...— i'll sacrifice myself to quickly go get the broom from the storage room, and ALL you'll have to do is hit it, from the table, when it comes out, alright??


jackson: ...-you've been the leader of a group for a very long time, maybe you should hit it—

irene: i am THIS close to kicking your ass.

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