just accept it too

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wendy: he totally didn't let go on purpose.

irene: stop talking nonsense. i'm sure he was just distracted with something

wendy laughing: yeah, distracted admiring your face!

irene: wHA—

yeri: hey guys! what are you talking about?

wendy: jackson wang

yeri: OMG!- did you see the way he was looking at joohyun-unnie backstage?!

wendy: that's what i'm saying! but she won't believe me when i tell her he clearly has a crush on her...

irene: you kids watching too many dramas these days.

yeri: and you have clearly not watched enough! can't you see this could blossom into something beautiful??? prohibited love between two popular idols...~ dispatch would kill for this—

irene: and i will kill you if you don't stop right now. this could get us into so much trouble so stop the nonsense and go to sleep, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.

wendy: why can't you just accept it...

irene: i'm not accepting something that's obviously not true... and i just can't get disappointed like that again—

wenri: WH- WHAT?!

irene: GO TO SLEEP!!!

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