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Kaycee's half cup of vodka was soon refilled with another half cup. Then another, and another, and another. She's currently half sober as she zigzagged between bodies finding the owner of the vodka bottle with Sean hot on her trail. Kaycee had already reached the end of the kitchen and there was still no sign of the alcohol owner anywhere. Seeing as Sean was still behind her, she sighed and went out the backdoor entering Bailey's garden.

"What's going on Kayc? You've been avoiding me all night." Sean asked worriedly looking at Kaycee, hands resting on her shoulders making her look at him.

"It's nothing Sean," Kaycee slightly swayed, the effect of the alcohol taking over her. "I'm just tired and wanted to let loose for a change. The house became too stuffy for awhile to I just went here to get some air."

"Okay then, if you say so. Let's stay here a but yeah?" Sean said before laying on top of the grass.

Kaycee sat beside him trying to calm her breaths. She will give this to her self, a last moment with him. Just a quiet moment with him.

"Things are going great for us Kayc don't you think? Our dreams are coming true. Bonus is we're doing this together." Sean turned to his side to look at her, his head propped up by his arm. "Thank you for choosing to do this with me Kayc, you're a great bestfriend, more than I could hope for. If I could go back in time to repeat everything I wouldn't change a thing. Everything is perfect."

Kaycee's throat tightened up but she somehow managed to force out a giggle.

"Are you the one drunk Sean or am I? To tell you honestly though, everything is far from perfect. But I get to be with you what's more to ask right? Yeah, as long as I'm with you." As long as I still get to be with you, Kaycee thought, I'll be fine. Whatever you you can give I'll take it.

The two stayed that way for quite some time taking in the vastness of the sky and the stars. . For Sean it was a peaceful change but for Kaycee it was a silent goodbye to her feelings.

"Let's get you inside it's getting chilly here. You need to sleep." Sean's right hand took hold of her right, with his left arm draped around her shoulders protectively guiding her inside the house.


"Thanks for having us Bails." Josh said as he and Julian was halfway out of the door.  The party lasted for hours and now they were the only ones left. Julian gave Bailey a hug before turning his direction at Sean who was tucking Kaycee in with a blanket. After their talk in the garden Kaycee suddenly felt sleepy and situated herself on Bailey's couch.

"You coming with us Sean?" Julian asked holding the door open for Sean, Josh already outside waiting for them.

"Yeah just a sec." Sean replied before quickly kissing Kaycee's forehead and whispering a soft goodbye to her ear. He then thanked Bailey for their time and went out of the house with Julian.

The house was once again silent and Bailey sat next to Kaycee's feet on the couch. Once the sound of cars pulling out of the driveway stopped, Bailey nudged Kaycee's foot.

"They're gone Kay, you can wake up now."

Kaycee opened her eyes and sat up, the blanket Sean placed falling on her lap. Bailey got up from the couch and went to the kitchen only to come back with two bowls full of non-dairy strawberry ice cream. She handed one bowl to Kaycee and placed her bowl on the coffee table in front of them to retrieve the remote for her television.

"Girls' movie night. Just like the old times Kay." Bailey smiled, sat down next to Kaycee, and switched Netflix on to pick a corny girly movie. Kaycee could rant to her if that's what she wants but she won't force her to talk about it if she doesn't want to. Bailey knows that Kaycee could handle this.

Two painful romantic-comedy movies after, Kaycee felt much better. Soon her and Bailey were laughing at the main characters on the screen and screeming side comments and frustrations about the scenes.

"Hey Bai, I might take on Connor's party invitation." Kaycee turned to her once the closing credits showed on the TV screen. "You're right, I have to let other people in sometimes. Plus Sean will still be my bestfriend nothing can change that. It's time to grow out of these feelings I guess." Kaycee laughed at how awkward the situation would be.

"You do what you think will be good for you Kay. I'm always here to support you. Plus I'm mad at Sean as well, how dare he be your bestfriend when I'm much more suited for the position?" Bailey laughed. Kaycee joined in on the laughter and kept on contradicting Bailey saying that she's her girl bestfriend while Sean's her boy bestfriend who she has feelings for but will soon be just a regular boy bestfriend.

Kaycee's heart was shaky but her mind was set. I'll try not to love you anymore Sean, she thought, I'll try being just your bestfriend now.

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