2| Interrupt Make-out Sessions And "Cartoon" The Boyfriend

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Excuse my cringy romance scenes. As previously stated, I suck at this.

Unrealistically disastrous events may ensue because this is the Ninja we're talking about.

So have fun, I guess.


"Jay?" Nya muttered, deciding to voice her question that had been tickling the back of her mind all the while she and her boyfriend had been preparing Lloyd's bedroom.

"Yes, Nya?" Jay asked as gently as he could, frowning at the troubled tone of her voice as if she was worried by something. "What is it?"

The ravenette paused to ponder on whether she should ask her query or not. She settled on doing it since she was sure that she could trust Jay with almost anything. Not with babysitting on his own but pretty much everything else.

"Is it bad that I almost agreed on Lloyd's suggestion about us going out and coming back before Kai's return?"

Her face was angled downwards, her dark fringe of hair on her forehead invading her eyes but she didn't move to swipe it away. She kept her head down as she waited for her boyfriend's opinion on the matter.

"I know I sound selfish-" Nya began but was cut off immediately.

"No," Jay whispered, taking a step closer to the girl. "It isn't bad at all."

The ginger placed his hand below Nya's chin and lifted her face upwards. The glare of the afternoon sun from one of the portholes appeared softer when reflected in her eyes and Jay smiled at the way it made her seem younger.

"I know how much you wanted to go on this date," Jay continued, running his fingers over Nya's forehead and tucking the loose strands of black hair behind her ears. The action led Nya to grace her face with a small yet sweet smile as she kept her eyes locked on the other's electric blue ones.

"But today was just . . . eventful," the blue ninja carried on, now holding onto Nya's hands, tangling her fingers with his own. "So many things are happening. The other's absence, Lloyd's sickness, Kai's date, our date. Things are just clashing with one another. And sometimes, plans don't proceed the way you want them to."

"You're right," Nya mumbled, pressing her forehead onto Jay's chest as the sun's rays pouring from the outside warmed them.

"Besides, I'm just happy to be here with you," Jay added, putting his arms around the girl and stroking her hair as he spoke. "And look on the bright side. Now you don't have to keep checking yourself in the mirror, tugging at your dress or trying to look good since we're not in public."

Nya pulled back at that, pouting and fixing Jay with an accusing look. "I don't do it for the public. I try to look good for you."

Jay chuckled and shook his head while Nya kept looking at him as if offended. "You look good no matter what state you're in," the boy mentioned, his voice low again. "I swear I would fall for you even if you'd just gotten out of bed."

"Really?" Nya wondered with a playful smirk and an eyebrow raised amusedly.

"Yes," Jay replied, inching closer to the girl. "Wearing your light blue dolphin pajamas, your hair bedraggled and sticking out in the cutest way possible and your gorgeous black irises peeking from under your half opened eyelids."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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