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(y/n): Damnit!

Sue: It's ok, we'll get her back... And the other air benders too

Kai: So what are we waiting for? I know exactly where the air benders are being held!

You slowly start to get up to go with them.

Lin: (y/n), you should stay here, you're badly banged up-

(y/n): I'm going, that's final.

You walk past her and get on Oogi, but Roku stops you.

(y/n): I'll be back little guy... I need to go get Korra back... Stay here with the others till we get back, ok?

He didn't seem happy about it... But he stayed put... As the rest of you fly off, falling Kai and his bison.

You were flying through the air... You were looking around, hoping to get some sign of where Korra could be... You just wanted to know she was safe... You were so focused on that, that you didn't even feel your injuries... Your love for her was stronger than any bruise, cut, or slash that could damage your body... And all you wanted to do was have her... Safe in your arms...

After a few minutes, Kai goes lower, towards a temple like complex... Oogi goes down following him... You all land at the site.

Tenzin: P-please, bring back my family and the rest of them.

Sue: Don't worry Tenzin, we will... You should stay here... (y/n), you should too.

You scowled at first... But you knew Korra wasn't in there, and that's what you were focused on.

(y/n): Alright.

The rest of them run in and go find the air benders... You were sitting out by the bison with Tenzin.

(y/n): You look like you put up a good fight.

Tenzin: Well... 3-on-1 isn't the best of odds.

(y/n): You took 3 of them on at once?! You've got balls.

Tenzin: My people's lives were on the line... I should've fought harder for them.

You grabbed his shoulder.

(y/n): Tenzin, I bet they're fine... You did all you could... And we have to do the same once we know where Korra is...

Tenzin: ...Korra talked about you quite a bit while we were traveling... Of course, she still felt horrible about what happened...

(y/n): Yeah... But, so far it's worked out...

Tenzin: Yeah... But-

Just then, you both saw something or someone fly out of a small hole from a cave a few hundred feet away... Then, another person using fire bending was following them... You both knew exactly who they were.

(y/n), Tenzin: Zaheer! And Korra!

Then, everyone came out of the cave, and looked at Zaheer and Korra go head-to-head.

Tonraq: We have to help Korra.

Lin: I agree, but-

That's when you used your fire bending to start floating.

Sue: (y/n), you're badly hurt, and-

(y/n): And what? I'm sorry, but I will not stand by and watch this happen to her! Not when I can do something about it!

Lin: Look, (y/n), we-

You ignored them, and flew off, up into the air, and towards the battle...

Korra was in the avatar state, it was obvious... But something did seem a little off... You weren't sure about it, but your main focus was taking down Zaheer with Korra... Korra had just thrown a huge boulder at Zaheer, and he dodged it.

Zaheer: Well look who's back!

He started flying towards you... But Korra got in front of you, and it went back to being a 1-on-1.

You shouted, hoping to get Korra's attention.

(y/n): Korra!

But she ignored you... Now you knew something was up... She didn't block you from that attack to save you... She probably did it because she was so focused on taking Zaheer down... Was she the same person? She seemed more reckless than usual... More aggressive...

In any case, you waited till their was an opening in their battle, and you took a shot at Zaheer from the cliff you were standing on... It actually knocked him back a little bit, but he was still focused on Korra... You had to get him to lay off Korra... But at the same time... You had to get Korra to calm down, and possibly get her out of the avatar state... You fly closer to their fight... But Korra for some reason knocked you back, slamming your back into a boulder.

(y/n): Damn Korra, what the hell?!

Zaheer: It's useless to try and get to her... She will be dead soon enough.

(y/n): What are you talking about?!

Korra then started attack BOTH of you.

(y/n): (in head): Korra is definitely not in her right mind... Zaheer must've done something to her... Their is no other explanation for why she'd be acting like this...

You dodge a boulder from Korra.

Zaheer: All you're doing is helping me, by giving me a distraction to finish her!

Zaheer kicked Korra, and she fell down a good 20 feet, landing on a cliff.

(y/n): Korra!

You use your fire bending to fly down to her... You try to help her up.

(y/n): Come on Korra, we gotta get you-

But Korra got straight up, and looked at you... With her pure white eyes... No emotion on her face.

(y/n): Korra?

Korra then punched you straight in the face... And wrapped the chain that was around her arm, on your left arm, crushing it, and throwing you into a boulder... You started coughing up blood, and you couldn't move your left arm... and Korra went back to fighting Zaheer.

(y/n): T-this isn't g-good...

You flew back up to the fight... You were not leaving Korra's side... Even if she wasn't in her right mind... She saved you at the southern water tribe... Now it was your turn to save her...

You flew up near Zaheer and Korra... But Korra was slowly falling out of the avatar state, and you knew that Zaheer did something to her... But... All of a sudden, they were both getting sucked into a MASSIVE tornado... Even you got pulled in... You were swirling down, and hit the ground hard...

You were slow to get up... But you saw Lin and Sue trap Zaheer to the ground, while Tonraq was holding Korra... You're slow to get up, and you feel like you're gonna black out... But not this time... This time, you needed to be there for her... Because it looked like she might not make it...

Zaheer: HA! You're all too late! The poison has down it's job! And the Avatar is no more!

You looked over to Zaheer... As much as you wanted to go see Korra... You wanted Tonraq to have his moment in case this was it... So you marched your ass over to the trapped Zaheer.

(y/n): You bastard.

You punch him square in the face with your right arm... He gets a bloody nose... Lin and Sue then run over and hold you back.

Lin: (y/n), pull yourself together, that's enough!

You calm down a little... You all look back... As Korra stopped moving... And her eyes stopped glowing.

(y/n): ...Oh no...

Jinora: The poison is metal! You can still save her!

She was talking to Sue... Sue quickly ran over to Korra's body, and started to bend... You were all standing there... Praying that she would still come out of this... And after a few moments... Sue pulled a silver colored liquid from her body... And Korra started to breathe again!

Sue dumped the poison on the ground... In which you then threw a fire ball at it that was so hot, it evaporated in an instant... Everyone looked at you little confused.

(y/n): Sorry, h-had to r-realse my anger on something.

Zaheer: What?! Impossible! You don't understand what-

Bolin then proceeded to put a sock into Zaheer's mouth... Bolin was the real MVP. (xD)

You walked over to where Tonraq was holding Korra.

Tonraq: My little girl.

Korra: d-dad... Y-you're a-alive.

Tonraq: I am... (y/n) is here t-

Just then, Korra blacked out.

Tonraq: Probably just exhausted from what happened...

(y/n): I-I'm not s-surprised...

You all got on the bison, and went back to the others to regroup, and heal...


It's been 2 weeks since the incident with the Red Lotus... Korra didn't wake up for a whole day... But afterwards... She didn't want to see you... Apparently, according to Mako, he told Korra that she also turned you into a rag doll, beating you up along with Zaheer while you were trying to save her, and crushing your left arm to the point of it being broken... She felt so bad that she didn't want to see you... It's been the full 2 weeks... You're sitting in your room... Just 10 minutes before the ceremony... Packing your things...

You hear a knock on the door.

(y/n): Come in.

It opens, and you see Pema walk in.

Pema: I just came by to see-... What are you doing?

(y/n): I'm sorry Pema... But after this... I'm going back to the fire nation...

Pema: B-but why?

(y/n): ...Isn't it obvious? I didn't get to finish my training from last time... And it's clear Korra doesn't want me around any more...

Pema: I'm sure she just still feels really bad about attacking you.

(y/n): Yeah, well... It happened... And she can't do anything about it... I don't know why it upsets her... I've moved on... For the most part.

By that, you meant that you were still wearing a sling around your broke left arm from it being crushed by the chain...

Pema: Well... I can't help you change your mind... Or make a decision for you... In any case, the ceremony is starting shortly.

(y/n): Alright... I'll be down shortly.

She left... You finished packing your things... And left your room... And made it to the ceremony room...

You were standing in the back... So Korra couldn't see you... If she didn't want to see you... You didn't want to be in her way... So you just stayed in the back...

When it was over, you went back to your room, grabbed your bag, and headed down the main stairs of the temple... There, Zako and his dragon were waiting.

Zuko: Aha, so you are coming back.

(y/n): Yes master... I'm ready to finish my fire bending training.

Zuko: You sure you don't want to stay a while to relax and be here for Korra?

(y/n): She clearly doesn't want me around-

Bolin: Hey (y/n)!

You turn around... At the top of the stairs... You see Bolin, Mako, Asami... And Korra... She looked at you for a moment... But asked Asami to wheel her back into the temple... That's when you knew... That she wanted nothing to do with you...

Bolin and Mako came down the stairs.

Bolin: What are you doing?

(y/n): ...I'm going back to the fire nation.

Bolin and Mako looked at each other.

Mako: Gonna go finish mastering fire bending?

(y/n): Yeah.

Bolin: Aw man! You keep leaving us dude!

(y/n): I'm sorry Bolin... I'd stay a little longer... If the current circumstances were different...

Mako: Look... She'll come around, I think she still feels bad.

(y/n): Yeah, well... Right now, she wants nothing to do with me... So I need to move on... If it's meant to happen... It'll happen... And if not... Then I have to move on... I'll see you guys later.

Bolin: Take care dude.

(y/n): You too Bolin.

The three of you hug... And you got on the dragon... And away you went... Another chapter in your life has just closed... And a new one was being opened...

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