❗️ Chapter 12

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Hii! ... Say it back ( ◡́.◡̀)

This one is more detailed because I'm practicing my writing skills ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ

Again, I appreciate all the support you all give me, it's truly makes me happy you enjoy my book :)

Smut and fluff this chap! (✿'‿')


Third Person P.O.V

(By the way, most of these gifs don't always represent what the chapter is about :D I'm sure you know that already though)

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(By the way, most of these gifs don't always represent what the chapter is about :D I'm sure you know that already though)

Dream and George finished the horror movie, but in reality, they were just flirting the entire time. The two were cuddled up, enjoying their comfort with one another. George hugging his boyfriend just like a teddy bear, the feeling of butterflies in both of their stomachs.

But, while Dream was continually flirting with George, the omega was also distracted by something else, his surprise. He was thinking of what could it possibly be.. For example, movies, pretend sleepovers, pillow fights, cooking together, but he's realized that he and the other have already done all those things together... So, what could it be?

Since a surprise is something you wouldn't expect most of the time, and while George was trying to figure out what it could be, he gave up and just decides to wait until Dream tells him. But, George isn't the most patient person, which makes it one of his flaws.

"Bubs, you're not tired yet?" Dream asks as he glances at the clock, 2.45 A.M.  then looks down at his boyfriend, waiting for an answer.


George hums in response, not wanting to move from the position he's in. One of his legs wrapped around Dream's waist, his head up against the other's neck, and arms hugging tightly around the alpha. 

Clay wheezes a bit, then he suddenly feels exhausted and blinks a few times before closing his eyes, until he heard a loud noise, causing him to open his eyes and jump.

 "Boo!" George yells out, then starts laughing hard, causing him to move off of the other and fall off the bed, landing on the floor.

Dream groans in frustration, then relaxes both of his hands on the individual's face, making his face not seen, as he closes his eyes once again.

Alpha and Omega (DreamNotFound)Where stories live. Discover now