Chapter 5

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* Phil *

This isn't the first time I've been in America but it's the first time I'm here for just a short vacation. I'm not completely on my own, I know, there are people from my family's private police force here watching over me. It's such a hassle being protected like this. Can't I just be free and happy without my parents pretending I'm a child?

It was a beautiful day. The sky was clear and the sun shown brightly, that rarely ever happened in France during this time of year. I still wore a sweatshirt, though almost immediately regretted it when the bright rays of sun made contact with me.

After my 12-year-old-school-girl-attack wore off, I let my friends go and immediately started to miss them. I missed them so much. I miss having Adam mostly, he was my closest friend. We cuddled and kissed and were just generally close except we both honestly didn't have feelings for each other than platonic.

I missed being cuddled. I miss kisses and I miss partying until I'm sick to my stomach.

I was shopping and exploring until I began to get too tired to keep walking. I ran into many lovely boys though — I guess they like the accent — and got their numbers. I'm going to a party with one of them tonight, I think his name is Jake Hicks, or something along those lines. Last names don't matter anyways, it's just a quick party then I'm out. I know it's only been a few days but I was reaching my peak, I needed alcohol in my veins and dick in my ass — as weird as that sounds.

I went back to the house and then went upstairs. I needed a shower. I texted the guy my — or the Howell's — address and I told him to get me at 7:30. I decided to wear black skinny jeans, like normal, and a dark gray t-shirt with the Nirvana logo on it. I'd say I liked Nirvana a little too much, but at least I wasn't like Carrie with All Time Low — 100% obsessed.

After I was done getting ready I went downstairs to get water. Dan was down also down there, eating what looked like Chinese food. It smelled like noodles. "Where are you going?" he asked suspiciously, looking up and down at me. I was wearing my normal stuff, but maybe he was able to tell I was wearing cologne and my hair is done better than usual.

"To a party. I need to get out. It's been too long," I said, grabbing a cup from one of their cupboards. They had the type of fridge where you could get filtered water from it, so I placed my cup under and let it fill up. Then I turned back around to look at Dan.

"Party animal, huh?" he asked, a smirk on his face. His eyebrows raised so that they his behind his messy fridge.

"Kind of," I said, before grabbing my water and drinking half of it, setting it on the counter. We talked for a few more minutes before the doorbell rang. I said goodbye to Dan before running to get it. I opened the door, eyes raking across him. "Woah, hey."

"Hi. Ready?" Well, he certainly looked different from when I saw him on streets. He wasn't homeless, of course, since he looked well dressed but now he was, like, weller dressed. If that's a word. His hair was up, like Brendon Urie's but not as tall as a giraffe. And he was wearing a tight black shirt that made him look really good, to be honest. American boys do nice.

"Of course," I said, stepping outside. It wasn't too cold, and I was satisfied with my shirt and black jeans.

"Isn't this the Howell's home?" That was a weird question to pose, considering he probably doesn't even know the Howell's, but it was probably harmless.

"Oh, yeah. I don't live here, I'm just staying here for a little while. Enough questions, let's just go already," I said, and we both laughed lightly. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his car.

He had a cool pick up truck and I climbed in, turning up the music. I noticed that three other people were in there, and instantly felt a bit conscious. They looked badass, like the type of angsty, drug-doing kids with leather jackets and ripped, black skinny jeans. However, I used my best manners and said hello, and then we were off.

The house was nice. It had a white exterior with a dark grey roof. We all hopped out of the car, his hand still tightly wrapped around my waist. I walked in and got a beer passed to me almost instantly. I sighed, taking a small sip. Jake also had a beer, though I guessed he wanted to get drunk as possible because he drank most of it in one go before asking for another. I rolled my eyes at this, knowing I would probably have to walk home or drive his car if he gets drunk.

Later in the night I saw Dan and his friend arrive. I narrowed my eyes but blew it off, snuggling closer in the arms of the Jake or Jack or something, I was pretty drunk, so who cares? "So, if we went upstairs right now would you start to cuss in French?" he asked in a deep voice. His words were a bit slurred by the amount of alcohol he had drank, and I guessed mine were too.

"Hm, maybe. You'll have to see," I said, contemplating kissing his neck. But not yet, I could feel someone's stare on me, and when I looked around Dan's eyes met mine; he instantly tore his gaze away.

"Well, I got us a room, so you ready?" I looked around, grabbing my new beer and quickly chugging it.

"Definitely." I caught Dan's eyes once more as we headed towards the stair. I rose my eyes at the fire burning in his. He smirked, mouthing  "Have fun." I rolled my eyes and ran upstairs, letting Jake drunkly pull me into the room. The rest was drunken slurs, a mess of hickeys, and absolutely no regrets — not yet at least. But that can happen tomorrow.

In the morning I was dropped off by Jake. I kissed him goodbye before running in, shuffling my hair a bit. My hangover wasn't even that bad, and most of it had worn off. "Hey Phil." Dan took me by surprise. He had a knowing look on his face, a permanent I'm-really-far-up-my-ass smirk plastered there.

"Hello." I giggled, meeting Dan's eyes.

He chuckled deeply, raising an eyebrow. "Nice to know your gay." I bit my lip.

"I'm pretty sure that was obvious." I leaned over the rail, going to pretend to be more hungover than I really was so that I could get away. "I need sleep. Bye." I shook my hand lazily and ran upstairs.

It was so nice to finally crash in my own bed.


Yesterday I was so jealous. He looked so cute and sexy and drunk and he was giggling and doting. He was all over that guy and that guy was all over him. What if I already lost my chance to make my move before he left? That would suck. I need to step up my game.

Or I could do it later. I'm hungover, I don't wanna think to much right now.

Phil came down for dinner, looking completely fine. I don't know how he did it, I still looked like shit. He was showered and rested and his hickeys were expertly covered in foundation. He caught me staring and smirked. What a brat.

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