Chapter 7

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* Phil *

"So, Jake turned out to be a total asshole?" I nodded, wiping my eyes on my hoodie sleeve. Even though it felt good to roast him down like that it still hurt. Guys were such assholes. "I'm sorry Phil. I know how sensitive you are. But here's an idea: stop sleeping around," Adam hissed.

"I can't! I feel lonely and no guy seems to want me." I sighed. I just wanted to go back to cuddling with Adam and watching Netflix (without chill) and eating popcorn.

"What about that Dan guy?" he suggested, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I don't know. I feel like I don't have a chance. He's bad. I'm not exactly a goody-goody myself, but he smokes and drinks all the time. He drives an amazing car, fights dumbasses, skips class, skips school. He's literally only got one friend because everyone is afraid of him and almost every girl dreams about him! How am I supposed to compete?"

Adam shrugged. "I want to see him," he said, as if seeing him would help solve Phil's lonely teenager angst.

"I'll go downstairs with the laptop. See if he's down there." Adam nodded, waiting patiently. I was speaking to Adam in French, so I was hoping I didn't jumble up my words.

I went downstairs. "It's no where near as nice as your house." Adam giggled, surveying the portion of the house that he could see through the screen.

"I know, right? It's still nice though. It's not as big, which is weird, as it's only my brother and I at home, but they have three kids." I shifted the laptop around while I talked so he could picture the house better.

"Phil, is that you?" I went downstairs and walked into the kitchen. I nodded at Mr. Howell as he passed by.

"You look cute right now," Adam's voice came out of my laptop speaker. I almost didn't understand it because he said it in English, which he never learned to speak, meaning he probably learned it just to make me embarrassed. I saw the three Howell kids sitting at the bar doing work. I blushed horribly, mumbling 'asshole' under my breath in French.

I went to the fridge, balancing the laptop on my leg that I folded upwards. Then, continuing in French, Adam asked, "Who's who? Obviously the girl is Danni. But which is Daniel?" All three of them looked at Adam, confused, and only Danni went back to her homework.

"The one on left," I said, careful not to say anything in English.

"He's hot," Adam said, this time in English. I blushed again, trying to ignore the looks I could feel on my back.

"You're an asshole," I said in French, and in French he replied, "I know." I grabbed a Coke and grapes and went back upstairs. "Je vous déteste," I snarled as soon as we were in my room, slamming my door shut.

"Love you too," he said, the opposite of what I had said.


Adrian and I burst into laughter when Phil left. "So who do you think they were talking about?" Danni asked.

"Who knows? Phil is too hot when he talks French, I wasn't paying attention." I slapped the back of Adrian's head and Danni slapped his cheek. "Ow! What the fuck was that for?"

"He's mine."

"Don't sexualize his ethnicity," Danni and I said at the same time. They both looked me.

"What?" I snapped. They put their hands up in surrender and shook their heads.

* Phil *

I started crying again, thinking about Jake once more like the pansy I was. "Aw, Phil. He's not worth it. He's some stupid boy that made you feel special for only one night. And I know that it meant a lot to you but you are forgetting that the next day he talks shit about you, meaning he's an asshole. Don't waste your time and tears over sad guys like him."

I nodded, wiping my eyes again. "I guess you're right."

"That's my boy. Just smile, keep your head up and be better and hotter then everyone else," he said, and mumbled just so I could hear, "though that won't be very hard for you." I giggled, nodding again.

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