...Maybe not this kind of bullshit though.

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When Nico woke up he was tied up.


He wasn't expecting anything else. If anything, he was surprised it wasn't in a jail cell of some kind.

Instead, the chair he was tied to stood in a big, dark, almost cheesily spooky cave.

He looked around it.

Pretty fancy for a cave. Lots of big computer screens, lots of control panels with lots of buttons. A weird, sleek car. A- was that a jet?

He was kind of glad Leo wasn't there. That boy was ADHD incarnate. He would have had this cave aflame in minutes, even without his "special gift".

Nico blinked as the cave suddenly became brighter. When his eyes adjusted to the newly found light, he saw that two men and a child had just... appeared.
This was unusual, because. Well. People weren't able to sneak up on Nico. Usually, he was the one doing the sneaking.
But he hadn't even noticed them until they were already seated there, displaying a variety of different emotions.

The first man was the guy from before. Nightwing.
He was still wearing that black suit with the blue stripe. He still looked kind of pissed, to be honest.
He did seem more at ease, though, sitting on a small chair by the big computers. Like he was at home.

The teen wore brighter colors, which did not fit in with the dark aesthetic of the cave - or the other two men - at all.

It was red, and sported a small cape. His dark hair was framing a domino mask similar to Nightwing's.

He was sitting on top of some computer screen, his feet dangling off of it, and seemed to be somewhere between bored and curious.

Nico wasn't an expert, his own age too complicated to fully understand others' (did his time in the lotus hotel count??? It didn't, right???) but he thought the boy was about sixteen, probably. He was kind of skinny, but Nico knew that didn't make someone any less capable.

And the third person... well.

That had to be Batman.

He was tall and muscular under the black costume, his cape somehow not-silly despite being a cape.
Most of his face was obscured by a black mask, but though his face was hidden it was clear to Nico that it was all hard lines, no soft features to be found.

And he looked straight at Nico, his unblinking eyes piercing even through the mask.

Well, Nico looked right back.

He had found that in most situations, it was important to establish he wasn't afraid.

That was even more relevant now.
After all, he probably needed Batman's respect if he wanted his help getting home, which seemed to be his only hope.

Batman and Nico stared at each other for a minute, until Nightwing's patience ran it's course.

"Are you going to interrogate him or what? Kid took down two robbers and teleported me and him both."

He added a murmur that sounded suspiciously like "as if we didn't have enough problems".

Batman didn't look all that impressed, and so Nightwing continued.

"I mean, I know we've seen weirder. Of course we have. But don't you feel it? Something's different. At least, that's what my gut is telling me."

He sounded less angry and more frustrated, Nico realized. Huh.

Batman nodded.

"I'm not questioning your judgement, Nightwing. I trust you. I'm only wondering how to approach this."

Don't You Have Enough Edgy Kids, Bruce?Where stories live. Discover now