The spirits of Pride have blessed me with writing inspo

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Since Nico has been convinced to do such irritating things as ‘taking care of himself’ and ‘having a less insane sleep cycle’, some arrangements have recently been made.

The three of them have been given rooms in the watchtower, one for Nico and one for the girls to share, both in the same wing as the meeting room they’ve been using. Nico knows he could (and maybe wants to) return to his room in the manor, but this is much more convenient. He’s going to be working in that meeting room every day, not to mention the matter of not wanting to separate from his friends now that he has them. All in all, it’s the better option, even if he does find himself missing the Wayne family.

Some bat or another drop off some of his stuff. Even if it weren’t stuff from the manor, he thinks he’d still know it’s a bat, since he doesn’t see them come in or leave.

It also seems like almost every member of them contributed something.

The “My Chemical Romance” poster practically screams ‘half ironic gift from Jason’, some of his clothes have glitter on them (thanks, Steph), the high-tech communicator has a little R symbol he’s learned to associate with Tim, and he doubts anyone but Damian would think to send him a sharpening stone for his sword.
It’s weirdly considerate and sweet, even if his magical sword doesn’t need sharpening.

Dick packed him some of Alfred’s homemade energy bars with a note reminding him to hydrate, Cass a small knife as a simple “Don’t die” message, if he's reading her right, and Barbara promised to send him footage of any especially insane shenanigans he might miss, via his new communicator. In the corner of Dick's note, Alfred sternly reminded him that family brunch on Sundays is quite mandatory and that he may bring his friends but it would be better to let Alfred know ahead of time because even he is human and can’t produce endless waffles out of thin air. Nico isn't sure he believes that last part.

As for the girls, Diana delivered some of the stuff they used on their short stay on Themyscira - toiletries, clothes, weapons. Nico does not ask why they had their own Amazonian weapons on the island.

Since said clothes consisted mainly of old-fashioned tunics, Zatanna also magics them some more modern stuff. They know what magic can be like, so they double-check with her that the clothes won’t vanish while being worn. “I’m not that kind of magician”, she assures them before saying “tropelet morf drawkwa ovnoc” and disappearing.

They get to know a bunch of the leaguers, about half of whom seem to have dated either Dick or Bruce or on concerning occasions, both. And Nico thought demigod love lives were complicated. Talk about messy.

Nico and Annabeth also run into a tall orange lady whose hair is made of fire and frantically warn her not to kill Leo if he somehow appears in her residence.

“It’s a good thing you have warned me”, she says with a pretty smile. “I tend to eviscerate those who would break into my apartment. Unless, of course, it is done romantically by a loved one.”

“Romantically?”, they ask.

“For example, breaking into your house to leave a lovely flower arrangement, and trying to backflip out of the window when you come in earlier than expected. Then making a bad pun when you ask them about it, and thinking it charming.”

“You’ve dated Dick”, Nico concludes.

“Yes”, she says. “But your friend would not enjoy the same privileges, so it is a good thing we ran into each other. I don’t really kill these days - you can thank Dick for that - but he would not have left unscathed.”

Her green eyes are very alien, making her hard to read, but he’s pretty sure she hasn't been kidding. Not at all.

“Well, it was nice to meet you!”, she says before flying away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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