TW barely adequate puns

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Ms. Prince and Master Kent turn out to be two large, muscular, intimidating figures, both of them sporting a mane of luscious black hair and piercing blue eyes. They both radiated an immense power, even in their tight, uncomfortable-looking red and blue getups.
The airs of power that they were projecting were completely different, though.

Prince wasn't taking a battle stance, but she might as well have been. She seemed ready, even eager to fight.
Her costume didn't cover her arms or legs, and it felt like a taunt to her enemies, almost - 'look at how supposedly vulnerable I am, unarmored and exposed, and fear me all the same'. Then again, maybe she just wanted to show off her bulging muscles.

Kent was even bigger and just as muscular, but he didn't seem eager to fight at all.
He had the air of someone who knew they could win almost any battle, but didn't see the need to enter one at all, instead preferring to have a nice conversation over some tea. He had a large yellow 'S' splattered across his chest, and Nico wondered what it stood for.
The man had a large grin on his face as he was talking to a slightly bandaged Batman, so maybe it stood for "smiling man".
With the way his costume looked, one thing was for sure - it didn't stand for "Stylish".

When Nico and the rest of them entered the cave, Kent turned to them and his smile grew even larger.

He waved at them then stepped forward to shake Nico's hand, startling him.

"Hey there! Bruce told us about you - Nico, right?"

Nico nodded, not at all matching the man's enthusiasm.
It made sense for Bruce to tell other heroes about Nico, to try and gather more information and help, but it still made Nico feel a bit uneasy.

Kent didn't seem to mind.

"I'm Clark. Or, uh, superman, not that that'd mean much to ya", he said before pointing at Prince. "And that over there is Diana, Wonder Woman."

Diana nodded at him in acknowledgment and Nico nodded back.

Diana and Clark. Huh.

While they were busy with introductions, the bat-children had gathered around their father. Alfred took to chatting with Wonder Woman and Superman next to them.
Bruce's arm was bandaged and put in a sling, and he had a cut on his jaw, but he didn't look too badly injured other than that.

"I trust that the mission was successful, father?", Damian asked.

"It was. We reached an agreement with the locals relatively easily. How were things here?"

"eventless", Damian answered him. "There were no worthwhile villains."

"I see. And did your presentation on the endangerment of bees go well?"

"Yes, I believe I opened the eyes of some of my less hopeless classmates. I might decide to participate in more of these school projects."

"It was punishment for making another student cry", Jason reminded him. Damian ignored both him and Cass, who started giggling. They all seemed happy to have their father back, even if it's only been a couple of weeks.
Distantly, Nico was aware that he wondered what that was like, but he wasn't bitter. Besides, it really was nice to have Bruce back

Bruce smiled.

"I missed you all", he told them.

That's when Clark cut in.
"Oh crap, uh, sorry, I should get going. Big family dinner tonight, with Kon in town."
He seemed so regretful about having interrupted the family moment, his shoulders hunched awkwardly, that Nico couldn't help but find the large man endearing.
Clark put his hand on Bruce's shoulder. "Coffee tomorrow?"

Don't You Have Enough Edgy Kids, Bruce?Where stories live. Discover now