...really nice

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After they eat some absolutely delicious ribollita, they all move to the living room (though he imagines in a house as big as this, there's more than one living room).

Nico doesn't even resist as they pull him along.
What would be the point? He doesn't have anywhere better to go.
And everyone is nice enough.

They settle around the room, some on couches and armchairs, some on the fluffy rug, one of the bigger, Jason on the arm of a sofa ("like he's too cool to sit like normal people", mutters Dick).

Alfred enters with a tray of tea, coffee and an array of cookies, though the coffee is quickly snatched by Tim, who holds the pot close to his chest like someone might steal it away.

Nobody seems surprised by his behavior but Nico.

When he glances at Tim questioningly, Tim shrugs.

"I was up most of the night trying to figure out how to help you get home", he says.

Nico's eyes widen.

He didn't think- well. He knew they were trying to help him, but.

That still meant something to him, he supposed.
That Tim actually worked on it, tried to figure it out.

Nico might have thought they were only doing this to get rid of him, if this had happened a few years prior.

But he's accepted some stuff since those days.
Like how sometimes, people really do just want to help.
Like how sometimes there are real heroes.

Steph perks up.

"Did you find anything?"

Tim shakes his head.

"I probably should have asked for more information from you before trying to figure it all out", he admits. "But it's way too intriguing! I mean, come on, alternate realities?"

Jason lets out a cough that sounds suspiciously like "nerd!", but no one pays attention to it.

"What do you want to know?" Nico asks, feeling incredibly awkward.

"Maybe we should wait for Bruce to do this", the girl called Cass says quietly. She's small and slim, but in no way does she seem weak or fragile. She looks small in the way bullets are.

Dick hums, thoughtful. "How about we leave the important 'greatest detective' stuff to him, and meanwhile just get to know each other?"

It sounds reasonable enough, so Nico nods.
Only then does he realize that as awkward as he is while giving vital information to a superior... he is much more awkward at 'getting to know' a bunch of people around his age.

He clears his throat, and looks at the rug.
It really is very fluffy.
He's glad he chose to sit down on it instead of one of the couches, even if it does mean he has to look up at most of them.

Barbara, who is sitting by Dick, seems to take pity on him. "How long have you been here? In this world, I mean."
He shrugs. "About two weeks, maybe."

"What did you do during that time?"

He is about to answer, but is interrupted by Damian.

"That is not important", the child says. "Answer me this: what is your weapon of choice?"

Steph muffles a small laugh, but Damian seems dead serious.
Nico considers it for a bit.

"My sword", he says.

Damian's eyes gleam, but he tries to hide his excitement.
He nods, as if to say "acceptable answer", but his enthusiasm is kind of obvious.

He sort of reminds Nico of one of the new demigods at camp. Only much more deadly.

Don't You Have Enough Edgy Kids, Bruce?Where stories live. Discover now