Chapter 2

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I sigh, pulling on my tank top. I pull my hair into a braid and tighten my laces before heading towards the gymnasium. 

I pull the door open and everyone's' eyes snap to me. I grunt underneath my breath, keeping my bag in the corner, before jogging to meet coach.

"Good morning Coach," I say, still aware of all the eyes on me.

"Good morning and welcome back Sky" he replies ruffling my hair.

"Coachhhh" I groan.

He pulls me into a side hug, chuckling. "You seem to have forgotten that I'm your Godfather huh?" he says releasing me. 

"Of course not," I snort. 

"10 laps around the gym. I wanna know if you still got it." he says, looking at me in amusement.

"Sure coach," I say walking over to my bag, removing my glasses, pulling out my phone, selecting a playlist, and plugging my earphones, slipping my phone into my pocket.

I start my run focusing all my attention on my path and on the song playing. "Into your arms- Witt Lowry ft Ava Max"

I've had this song stuck in my head for at least three days now. Yes. I am a sheepish romantic, sue me!

The song finishes and I lose myself in my jog. I finish my last lap as the bell goes and I head to coach. 

"I'll see you later coach," I yell waving at him before I pick up my bag.

"Bye Sky" he waves as I leave the gymnasium.

I put my phone into my bag along with my earphones and quickly pull  on an ash sweatshirt.

I head towards Math class for the second time today due to my new schedule. I walk into the class startling Miss Ava.

"Sky?" she asks, looking at me as I pull on my glasses.

"Miss Ava," I smile as I hand her the note from the principal showing that I've been transferred to the 2nd batch.

"That's lovely," she smiles gesturing for me to take a sit after handing the note back.

I walk to the seat I was in for the first period. Propping open my notebook with my left hand, I solve the questions in my textbook on our current topic. The bell rings signalling the beginning of class. I close my textbook and focus on the lesson.

"Now class, open your textbooks and solve all the exercises on page 213." Miss Ava says, before sitting down and pulling out a textbook to surf through. I open my notebook and finish up my exercises, seeing as they were the same that I was solving prior to the commencement of the class.

I submit my notes after five minutes and head back to my seat. I can feel all their eyes on me. I shrug in spite of myself and take my seat before pulling out my chemistry textbook.

I run my eyes through the topics until I found my nemesis. "Organic chemistry" I sigh, opening the page and proceed to read through.

A couple of pages in, a shadow looms, casting its silhouette on my page. I hide a scowl, fold my page, shut my textbook, and take a look at the intruder. I almost double-take seeing him. HIM! I'm pretty sure I call him devil's offspring. I keep my face blank, nonchalant, not willing to give him the pleasure of my remembering him.

"Yes?" I ask staring up at him. 

"Your notes," he says handing my book over.

"Thank you," I mutter under my breath, wishing that I could ignore common courtesy. 

"Listen I-" he begins only to be cut off by the bell.

I stand up, grabbing my textbook and bag, say bye to Miss Ava, take a worksheet, and leave the classroom as quickly as I can. 

I rush into the cafeteria. I sigh as I look around knowing that I missed absolutely nothing about its noisy environment. I grab a bottled water, a plate of fried rice, and head over to pay for them.

After paying, not wanting to stay in this suffocating place and waiting for the lingering stares to find me, I head over to the stairway by the library, my favourite dining area at the school. 

I sit Indian-style and eat while reading knowing that I wouldn't be able to do that at home. I scroll through my Wattpad library and realise that I have nothing new to read. Sighing, I shut off my phone and finish my meal before disposing the trash and heading into the library. 

As I open the door, I bump into the one person I'd rather not have to see.

"I'm sorry," he says looking at me.

"It's okay," I say entering the library before he can start an unnecessary conversation with me.

"Sky may I speak to you-" he starts but I close the door and look for an empty study room. I slip into one undetected by the other library users. I gently close the doors and pick up a book, immersing myself in its fictional world.

The bell goes, and I pick up my things and try to rush to get to Bio. I stumble into the class and say my greeting to the teacher. 

"Goodday to you too Miss Adams," he says before turning back to his journal.

Why does he already know my name? I take a seat at the back of the class and finger through our scheme for the term. Practicals. Tons of them. At least I don't see any dissections. That would be a nightmare.

"Alright, everyone. I'm professor William. I'm replacing your previous teacher and I'll be taking you 12th-grade biology. Your very first personal project would be to study any topic of your interest in biology and explain it in a way you know best. This will be in the form of 10minute presentations in front of the whole class. Your grade from this will be a part of your midterm reports so I expect that you take this seriously. You have a week for this report. Any questions?" he asked.

"No professor" the entire class chorused.

"Good! now we shall begin with the cell..."


07/01/2021 -08/01/2021

18/07/2021: Edited

(Also, at the beginning of the story, my characters are finishing the 1st term of the 12th grade and so for the most part of the story they are about to finish the 12th grade as six months have passed since then.) 

I shall not procrastinate! I knew that I would have to write a chappie daily and I'm trying my best. It's absolutely necessary for me to cover these points in the story and I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Stay safe❤!

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