twenty one

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"it seems like I fell deeper everytime I stare at the galaxies in your eyes"

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"it seems like I fell deeper everytime I stare at the galaxies in your eyes"


I rest on the green grass. Inhaling as many air as I could. Dropping the sharp silver weapon beside me. Trying to bare with the sun's hot air that could melt me any minute. I open my ears to my surroundings, looking for something to fill my hunger. As the session is not done yet, I need as much energy as possible to win.

Not only to fight, but to win.

I teleported to the corner of the field, grab, and sucked its blood out to my mouth. Letting my taste buds feeling the good sensation every time the red liquid kissed my tongue. Closing my eyes as I felt my thirst slowly going away.

A cold winter breeze brushed my skin, as a familiar caramel scent danced under my nose trills. A tall figure came to me, looking at me with eyes full of love. He smiled and gently caressed my brown hair.

"Are you tired?" he asked feeling a bit concern.

I licked the excess liquid from my lip, "a bit."

"You can stop now, you've done good enough."

"I finished what I started. Besides my goal is to be the best, not good enough."

He pulled the corner of his lips forming a smirk. An attractive one. My stomach twisted every time I see that smirk.

"You are the best. To me you will always be the best, Love." He grabbed my chin, leaning closer to my face.

His cold skin touching mine but brushed by his warm breath. My heart beats faster knowing the fact that now we breath each other's breath. Eyes lock on his galaxy eyes.

"That's cause I'm the only one you see."

"Exactly, you're the only one to me. And I gotta help my mate so she could be the best, right?"

He closed the gap between us. Landing his plump lips on mine. I closed my eyes enjoying the taste of cherry he had on his seductive lips.

As we smile, the kiss didn't really last long.

He pulled out but still holding my chin on his hand, "ready to fight?"

The kiss boosted my power. My fangs grew longer and sharper. I inhale deep air than I open my eyes. It turned red.

I teleported to the main area as the game is about to start. I lower my body, getting ready for the next round. Eyes piercing the opposite player. Getting ready to swing my sword when ever the flag move.

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