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Okay let me narrow everything together.

Since I know the reason of me and Yeonjun being mated, I slowly started to accept the fact that my mate is not my kind. And Yeonjun could let his feelings grew. So we both kinda agree that we're each other's mate.

Ong once told me, uncontrollable power condition is totally average in the first times of meeting our mate. But as the time pass by and we learned to resolve conflict together, we learned about one another too. And the bonding threat will get stronger.

Now that we admit one another, Yeonjun had the control of his mind reading ability. He got the bright side. But I felt my body getting weaker day by day. And I still didn't know if I'm affected with the bright side of the first step as well or not.

And I noticed the mark on my hand is paler than it's supposed to be. From what I know, Yeonjun is the only one who knew my secret. So the mark should turn in to really dark brown. But instead it's looking like a dark oak wood.

And that's when I found out. He also told his friends about my secret. I'm not the one who spilled the tea in the first place. But I'm the one who made a promise and decided to mark it. So I'm the one who gets the bad luck.

I'm the one that gets weak.

Yeonjun is my mate but his friends are still strangers to me. They seemed like nice being, but they also caused troubles before Yeonjun and I admit one another. I can't just trust them like that.

But he's so bad at keeping secrets.

So yesterday we talked but it didn't turned out pretty well. We ended up fighting, well a little bit. It's not like it's the biggest fight I have ever been through. But I was furious to know my secret is published to acquaintances that I barely know. He published it without my permission.

I think I'm the one who went out of control. Him being a total gentleman had to hold his anger and control it so everything won't get worse. I kinda feel bad, it looks like I'm using his act to satisfy my desire. I wasn't supposed to be like that.

But he's supposed to ask me about that too. And I know I'm wrong, but he made me did it. I would like to be a little selfish to let him know that this one, the secret, is no joke.

After I sucked all the blood out of the little living, I threw it away to the earth. The grass than swallowed it slowly until nothing of it is left and a tiny sprout grew. The living gives another live to the earth.


I am getting weaker because of Yeonjun but gladly breaking a promise won't kill us. I know there's a way to get my powers back. Not my abilities... but powers.

I made my way to the place I used to call my second home. As I opened the door, memories from the previous times flew by in my head. The library. I rarely visited this place when I met Yeonjun. Because this place always reminded me of him. Of the time we officially met for the first time.

But as I smell the papers again, it relaxed me. It never failed to make me relax. I forgot how beautiful the books looked like when it's stored between the shelves. The scent of the new papers, I always admire it. This is the only place where I felt that ticking clock sounds so satisfying and relaxing. The place where I can run away to another world. Guess this place will and always be my second home.

Marks of Vampires.

I tried to reach the book from the top shelf. Yeonjun once said I'm pretty tall for a girl at my age. But I still can't reach the books I wanted to read. And the books I wanted to read are usually in the top shelf, it's pretty funny and lame at the same time.

"You are not gonna make me transform to a bat," I firmly said to the book. As if it could hear my voice and will shake a little.

But nope, it won't.

And why the heck the library didn't provide ladders? Do they think the new generation will be taller than the previous one? Well reality said otherwise. We're shorter, and this academy needs ladder. For short undead like me.

Then I smell it. That familiar scent. And the familiar cold sensation.

A hand reached out to the top shelf and took the book.

I turned around, facing him. Choi Yeonjun. Again in this situation, the 'we just fight days ago' situation. In the library. Good thing I'm now a bit used to him tailing me around. His face was blocked by the book. My book. Well- technically not mine but... you get what I mean.

"Marks of Vampires?" he read the title than pull the book away. Now I could clearly see his face, and it's only inches away from mine. I could feel his cold breath brushing my face.

Ah, and thank you mate bond for making me like that fact. You're being really helpful at this moment.

"It's been days and you're still thinking about that?"

I rolled my eyes. Is that really the first thing he's gonna say after what he did? Of course I'm still thinking about that. I'm the victim of what you did, Idiot.

"Shut up, I don't want to see you."

"Since the day we first talked you don't want to see me. But I ended up admitting I like you. Now you say that again, do you want me to kiss you?"

Aren't he aware of my heartbeat? Or at how the mate bond had been affecting me more than before now that I accepted him? Out of the logic of course I'm gonna say yes. Or probably not, I will pull him by the collar and pressed my lips against his.

"Then do it," he said.

Oh shoot. He read my mind. I stupidly forgot about that. Why do I always forgot the important things, while I overthink the unnecessary?

I blushed hard. Blushing in embarrassment, in feeling shy, or the fact that he's inches away from me. All of it.

"Wrong move, Princess. Blushing only making me more eager." He slides his hand around my waist pulling me closer while his other hand is putting back the book to where it should be. Than he wrap his other hand my waist.

Now our bodies are pressed to each other and eyes locking each other's gaze.

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