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( yeonjun's p.o.v )

Of course I'm surprised. All of sudden, from all questions she asked that. I'm not ready to answer it yet. I'm not gonna lie, I am a bit disappointed because she isn't a werewolf. But I never said I didn't accept her as my mate.

I need to make sure if this is dark magic or not. I don't want to get involved in any kind of dark magic.

"That's to soon to answer," I said.

"Than it's to soon for you to forbid me to be friends with Ong too."

Damn, she's smart. That's annoying. She always found a gap to make a smart comeback.

"I need to know if someone is trying to trick us or not. I won't answer it now."

"If this isn't dark magic, will you like me?" She asked. What's with her today?

"If it isn't dark magic, that means it was meant to be. So yeah, I will like you... probably loves you."


"What do mean why? 'Cause your my mate of course."

"If i'm not your mate, will you still like me?"

"No, duh. We will become strangers to each other."

So you like me just because I'm your mate?

Her mind said. H-huh? What does that even mean?

"I hang out with whoever I want, and there's nothing you can do about it. Now get out, I don't want to see you. Especially now."


How can I be so stupid? I didn't relise what I just said to her a few minutes ago. What she meant is true love. This mate thing affected werewolves more than vampires. Because we believed that whatever happened, there's gotta be a reason why that person is chosen to be the one who stands by our side.

So naturally I accepted the fact more than she did. She wants real love, not just because she's my mate. But because I truly loves her. But when werewolves found their mate, they will instantly love them with all their heart.

So what is she worrying about?

I might already love her now. But the reason I don't want to admit it yet is because I don't want to let it grow yet. This is already too much, if I let my feelings grow without knowing the reason behind all this. When I know the reason and I already fell to deep, then everything is over.

That's why I said it's too soon.

I told her not to get close to other guys because my mood almost dropped 100% when the jealousy took over. I could be really sensitive when I'm not in the mood. And that's even worse than not being able to control my powers.

Why can't she understand that?

I told my friends what happened earlier. The conversation, our little fight, her words, even my feelings.

"Yeonjun, I can't believe I'm much smarter than you," said Beomgyu shaking his head.

"And I can't believe I agree with Beomgyu," said Taehyun.

"You have to be honest to her," Soobin on so called dad mode, "she wouldn't know unless you tell her what you feel."

"Ask yourself first. Do you like her?" Kai asked.

"You asked the same thing she asked."

"That's because she made the right move. Now answer the question."

I think again. I frowned thinking about the answer. I'd rather count the velocity of the wind than answering these type of questions. School hasn't even started and I already had to answer silly questions like this.

About I like her or not. The answer is of course I do. She's my mate, naturally I like her. But about really liking her. I don't know. Maybe not. Maybe yes.

"I— um... maybe, maybe I do. But mostly because she's my mate."

They all looked at each other and sighed.

"Okay, freak the dark magic. Let's just say you do kinda like her," said Taehyun.

As much as I want to deny it, I can't because I do felt the sparks. So, for now... just for now, I guess I have to admit it.

"Okay," I nodded. "But I still need to know."

"I know, and I have a plan," Taehyun smirked.


( back to yuna's p.o.v )

Since the twins are going out at night, doing werewolf business. I don't have friends to talk too tonight. Most of the werewolves in the academy went out. I guess they're out to see the moonlight and gather with their pack.

I was walking through the hallway. Exploring every inch of this academy. I relised this academy actually looked so old, but historical. Memories and histories from the past generations, are all recorded here.

Their first time learning, their successes, their failures, their love story. And this academy is the one who silently witnessed it all.

I must say things had happened a lot from the first time I stepped here. This academy must've kept every secrets too. Including mine.

Walking around filling my curiosity like what I'm doing right now is actually not so bad.

Oh, wait... I took back my words. This guy suddenly run fast towards me. He's catching his breath for a while. I mean I have come a little out of the usual range. But remembering what happened earlier, I still don't want to see him.

"I know you don't want to see me."

"Then go." I continued my pace, I was about to leave him alone. But he grabbed my hand. I could instantly felt electricities running to my heart from my veins.

His touch made my heart beat faster. But the thing is I don't want my heart to beat for him. And when I stared at his eyes, they gave gaze that I can't describe what does it meant.


I frowned, he didn't finished his words and still looking at me with unexplainable yet weird look.

Then a bulb light up in my head. Oh shit, HOW THE FREAK CAN I BE SO DUMB!

I quickly pull my hand from his grip.

"You're half werewolf?"


yea, i love ending the chapters like this, ehehe :3

if u like this chapter pleas let me know by clicking the little star button or tell me in the comments <3

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