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( still yeonjun's p.o.v )

I forgot Taehyun could read the past of someone's. No undead could read the future, but some has the ability to read the past. They just have to make simple skinship. And Taehyun is one of them.

We are now in the library, not something any of us usually do. If it's not for sleeping, we won't come here.

But I guess she really liked the library. I mean I wouldn't be surprised. She's the most clever girl in the academy. Books has got to be her second friend. She must've read a lot of books. Ugh, and she thinks a lot too.

Her thoughts, their melodies but tiring. It's like screaming in my head right now. Her mind, she knew me and my friends are here. Did she smell my scent? I don't hide it though.

"Where is your mate?" asked Beomgyu.

"You're not blind, right? That girl over there is the only lady in this library," Taehyun answered.

"Hey, I'm just making sure. I'm not good at sensing others presence."

Kai rolled his eyes, "point out one thing you're good at. It's impossible 'cause you're not good at anything."

"Said the one who fails at almost all the subject," Taehyun answered.

"Hey, pick a side! And I'm not the one who fail at almost all the subject. Soobin is the one."

"Excuse me? I'm the best archer in this academy."

There will always be a pointless argument among us. No day is passed without it. If there hasn't been any arguments like this, that means the day isn't going to end. But if the day ends without an argument like this, that means we're depressed.

I again can only exhale air and telling them to shut the freak up. "We could get caught, you dogs!"

Then I smell the scent is getting stronger.

"I'm sure it's not that hard to leave me alone."

It's her. She's standing in front of me. Crashing her eyebrows and looking at me in disbelief. She crossed her arms at her chest. And her gaze is as sharp as the rose thorns.

"We were just about to borrow books to read," yeah... excuses.

"Bullshit. I will never read books for fun. Yeonjun is looking for you."


I glanced at him, ready to eat him alive. What is wring with this wolf? Does he want to die young? Hueningkai, I will tear you to pieces right after this.

The other seems to noticed that too. They death glared him too, Taehyun even smack his head. But Kai just shrug it off, how the Nyx?

"Yeonjun?" She asked, sounding confused. Oh My Nyx, I forgot... we haven't even introduced ourselves properly.

"Yes, this handsome man right here," Kai point at me, "is Choi Yeonjun, your mate."

"Choi Yeonjun, so that's your name, huh," she looked at me up and down, from the top to the bottom.

"Wait you guys didn't know each other's names?" Beomgyu asked. But no one answered.

"Don't mind my friends. They just want to know you."

"I mind you not them."

Ouch! My heart felt like breaking to pieces.

"Hey don't be harsh girl, we're just here to introduce one another," said Taehyun. "Now, I'm Taehyun. What's your name?"

Taehyun asked. I didn't even know her name.

Wow, he didn't even asked my name.

Her voice rang in my head. I look at her eyes, and it shows bits of disappointment. Wait, does she wish for me to ask her name first?

"Hwang Yuna."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Taehyun pull out his right hand, of course asking hers so they could shake hands.

But all she do was staring at it with one eyebrow raised.

"You're trying to read my past," she said.

Everyone including Taehyun is surprised.

"Humans don't even shook hands as greetings anymore. You want a skin ship so you can read my past."

Everyone looked at her in disbelief. She really is a brilliant vampire.

"Wow," Soobin scratched the back of his neck, "she really is a smart vampire."

She looked at Soobin, her gaze sharpen, "I never said I'm a vampire."

Oh, shit. I looked at Soobin in murderous gaze. Looks like I'm about to kill two young wolves tonight.

"You won't leave me alone and you expose my identity to the others?"

"No, I don't. They just happened to know."

"They look at your face and they knew I'm not like you, what a great alibi."

Tell me about it! I knew Soobin was suspicious!

"Don't worry, you can trust them. I promise you they will keep it hidden."

"Tsk, trust them? I don't even trust you."

Her eyes shows dislikes to me and my friends. I can't with the gaze. My heart felt like I'm stabbed by thousands of enchanted arrows. It's hurt because it stabbed, then the spell crushed my heart harshly.

"I don't want to see any of you."

That was the last thing she said, before she vanished in the air.


wow, u guys made it this far :'( i can't thank you enough. i really appreciate the time you spent to read this chapter.

if u like it please let me know by clicking the star button or tell me in the comments <3 your comments really motivates me to write this story.

see you on the next chapter

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