The past still has teeth

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PG-13: Graphic and kind of 'unforgiving'? Dunno, just tell me what do you think!

Elen walked one last time around the compound, looking in every room and every home. Everywhere she went she found the same look in the eyes of the people looking up at her.

Their empty eyes trying to reach the sky to beg Luna to save them, but no salvation came for any of them tonight.
Elen left the last house and headed for the alpha's home. Stepping inside she walked over the bodies of guards and betas without paying them any attention.

It was a relief to finally be able to tap into her training.
Now, as the masks that had hid her came undone she stepped in the bedroom and quickly grabbed the two not quite dead bodies and moved them to the master bedroom, letting them fall on the floor they landed with a cry and a soft thump that also woke up the couple in bed.
Elen flicked on the light and both of them groaned and covered their eyes to protect them. Their bodies where covered in sweat and their skin was a very unhealthy grey color.

"What..." The woman tried to speak but her throat was far too dry and she finished with a gasp, in pain.

The man finally blinked and focused on the young woman standing at the foot of the bed. His eyes widened in surprise, then in anger and then in fear as he finally realized what was going on.
"What have you done?!" He hissed through his dry throat. Elen looked at him for a while deciding whether to answer his question or not. Finally she decided to enhance his sufferings and spoke as he was trying to get to a sitting position, his body protesting with excruciating pain.

"It appears you have eaten quite a bit of silver in your meal tonight," she said easily, "how very unfortunate that you decided to punish me with kitchen duties yesterday." Her tone was almost sweet as she savoured the moment. Every cell in her being was standing at attention for this moment of retribution, singing in joy and freedom.
"Did you actually believe I would forget what you have done? That I would just accept it and swallow the pain you caused us by living here in your house following your rules like I was a trophy?" The calm that laced each word she pronounced had been forged from pure icy rage in the fires of her loss. She watched satisfied his eyes go wide once again now that she allowed them to feel it, then the words sunk in and he actually managed the strength to snarl at her.
He had managed to sit on the bed by now and was panting heavily with the effort while sweat dripped from his chin. His skin was starting to slowly change toward a very dead like dark grey and the pain in his muscles must have become unbearable for him by now.
"You won't get away with this." His voice came in between pants, "there was a reason why we did what we did."
"I'm not proud of that decision but it had to be done."

"Even though it will cost now the lives of your entire pack?" She looked at him curiously. "Even though it is costing the lives of your children?" she asked sweetly.

With a strangled cry he threw himself at her but landed in a quivering heap on the floor when his body told him that it was far too poisoned by now to go anywhere.
The woman tried to get up but her body was succumbing even faster than his to the silver in their blood.
He started to sob there on the floor, the alpha of one of the biggest packs crying on the floor at the feet of a twenty years old girl. Elen found the scene hilarious. Her father would have never reduced himself to this pretence of a man, her alpha would have never let her live in the first place and wouldn't have had any need to watch his back now. Something that Greg here failed to do.

"Well, four years ago you left ashes in your wake. The other packs won't know what hit them until it will be far too late." She shook her head at him, "you never understood our ways and simply thought that they were the same as yours. You killed the children of my alpha failing to realize that I was and still am the next alpha. You killed adults in my pack but you couldn't bring yourself to kill the young failing to realize that by that age we were fully trained and ready to step up and lead the pack."
"And now I am reclaiming what is always been mine, the Silver Blood pack!"

She pulled a shiny silver object from her pocket and looked at the former alpha, "You know what this is?" She asked him.
"No! That's impossible we destroyed all of them!" His voice trembling in panic now.

"You did," she told him, "but by keeping us alive you left the knowledge live on with us."
She grasped the blade on one end of the dagger and plunged the opposite one in one of the children's leg, making him scream.
The blade bit in her palm and fingers poisoning her blood with the silver in it just as it did to the child's blood. Then she extracted the blade and switching to the other hand plunged it in the leg of the other child as another scream of agony filled the room. "Silver for silver. Blood for blood." She intoned the ritual words that had been at the core of her pack since there was memory of it. "The Silver Blood always pays its debts and this, is Vengeance."

She put the ritual blade away, feeling the silver course in her body poisoning it and embraced the pain that came from it.
"You might be able to bring them to the medic centre and save them from the poisoning," she said to his already moving shape. "If you do, you won't have time to save yourself and your knowledge will be lost preserving my element of surprise. If you want to save the other packs, the price will be the lives of your children. Which shame will you carry to your grave?"

She left the house knowing well what his choice would be. It didn't matter, the whole place was going to burn to ashes. They would still all die, her name with them. For a while.

It was the first lights of dawn when the owner of 'The Stock' noticed the smoke in the distance.
He hurried to open the doors of his shop and moved to the phone to alert the firefighter brigade.

When the Capitan of the squad finally sent back the last truck he spoke with the Sargent besides him.
"The five survivors have been brought to the town, they survived almost unarmed." He paused to take a deep shaky breath before continuing. "We counted the bodies, they are all there, plus the five survivors. I don't understand what happened, they all look like they burnt in their sleep with no sign of fight of any kind."
The Sargent shook his head and went back to town to report to his Capitan. Then he left for a while to make a call. He called his beta gave him a different report as to why they lost contact with their neighbours. Then he went to find the survivors.

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