A Sibling's support

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Author note: PG, go for it!

"How do you know?"

"Rachel told me, so it is true?" It wasn't really a question, "I didn't realize things where like that, I'm sorry."

"It's too late to be sorry, you should go, it's already dark." She said quietly, her voice low. Her eyes followed the patterns on the carpet between her high heels. If he knew then it really was too late to do anything and desperation filled her.

"Lara please, don't be like that. I'm sorry!"
Her eye slowly traveled to the window, avoiding him, where a lone star was bright enough to outshine the city around the house. "Just go, please." She whispered, all the fight seemed to have fled from her. Only a great sadness and defeat now lurked in her eyes.

"I too, think it is time you leave, Michael." Came a familiar strong voice from the stairs.
How long had he been there? She wondered. Her eyes dropped again to the floor as she didn't have the heart to look at him. Tears started to well up in her eyes; she tried to fight them but again, it was too late, with every time she had fought them before they had become stronger. There wasn't enough strength left in her to fight with anymore.

"This is between us, don't step where you do not belong" Mchael turned toward the stairs, his voice caught between anger and irritation. Lara wished she could see his face even as she couldn't muster to lift her eyes from the carpet, not when he was in the general direction of the stairs surely.

"Don't be so sure, this is still my house and she had been mine since well before you were even born. I'll show you the door if you forgot the way."
There was movement in the room and then the sound of small struggle followed by the curses Michael threw around as Dorian 'accompanied' him at the door, then it was silence. Blessed silence.
Two pair of feet entered her field of vision shortly after and she closed her eyes.
"I'm sorry, bro." She didn't know if he heard her, she could barely hear herself over the ringing in her ears. He did.
"Not nearly enough, but you will be. Come, you need a shower and your bed. I'll even let you keep the music on at your favorite volume." His voice was low and quiet, too many emotion mixed in there to read them.

She never looked up as he helped her upstairs and into the bathroom, leaving her standing there for a few moments before returning with her pj and a big towel. He turned on the shower and helped her get started with her clothes, pulling her back to the present. He left quickly, as soon she took over, leaving her to her own devices.

She opened the door half an hour later, dressed in her pj with the towel in hand. She was surprised to find Dorian sitting across from the door, on the floor. Their eyes met and she crumpled under the weight of his chocolate eyes. He was at her side before she realized it and helped her up and to the door of their room. She collapsed on the mattress face first and her eyes burned dryly, she had cried all her tears in the shower and there was nothing left. The door closed and a little later a weight settled on the mattress besides her while music played softly in the room. It was her favorite playlist.
She didn't look at him as she asked "please?" Please what? She wasn't sure.
God bless him for knowing what I need when I don't.

He helped her get into her bed then grabbed his covers from his bed and settled on hers, behind her. He stayed on top of the cover and used his own blanket, but hugged her to him and without saying a word turned off the lights leaving the music playing.

Lara rose slowly from her sleep, the soft light of the first rays of the sun came through the window. The events of the night before came rushing at her and her heart lurched in her chest, taking a deep breath she tried to calm herself and stop more tears from falling.
Strong arms tightened around her and for a moment she panicked, before realizing it was Dorian. She let out her breath and her body instantly relaxed. She hid further into his arms and closed her eyes trying her hardest to banish the memories from her mind.
Her brother didn't move and his breath remained regular, but she knew that he was awake now. They had played dead for their parents far too many times for her not to recognize it. The corners of her mouth pulled in a small smile as she remember a few of the times they had covered for each other, or those times they stayed up far too late in the night and their parents almost found them. Happy memories, her brows furrowed and she turned around to face him.
His eyes were open and he looked right at her, he knew. He did it on purpose to distract her, and just like that she broke eye contact and couldn't hide the smile. He knew her too well.

She hid her face in his shoulder has tears came again. He didn't move and just held her until she calmed down, then he kissed her forehead and spoke, "come you need to prepare, there is no way you are getting past father today."
Her mind went blank at that, right, I'm going to face Father.
For a minute she allowed herself to believe she might be able to talk to dad instead but it was fruitless thinking and she knew it.

She watched as her brother got up and started to get ready for his day. Yesterday he said she wasn't nearly sorry enough but she would be, knowing the 'chat' that was waiting for her downstairs she suddenly saw the wisdom in those words.
Since they were very little there had always been a difference between Father and dad, one person but two very different facets. Liam as dad was the best parent any child could ever ask for, always present and mindful, ready to play with his kids and spend any spare time he could muster with them. Dad always came to watch their games or at school or had a word of comfort when they had problems.
Father however was something else entirely, he was the patriarch of their family and in some ways he was the law more than a jury. Both Lara and Dorian would gladly trade a process in court to avoid sit in their Father office when he was displeased.

They made their way downstairs and had breakfast with Jaqueline and Liam, their mother didn't spoke much which was something very unusual and never a good sign. So they ate mostly in silence and when they made to get up Liam folded the newspaper he had been reading and looked at them in the eyes.
Because they knew what to look for and where pretty much expecting it they sow it, the shift in his eyes. They had learned quickly to recognize when they were speaking with Father since being careless now could have very unpleasant consequences, so they both watched as his eyes hardened and became two blue diamonds. They wouldn't be surprised if their mom told them one day that Liam hung the paintings by staring the nails into the wall.

"I believe that there is something i need to know." He said resting his elbows on the table and steeped his fingers against his chin.

The problem was that where dad only wanted the best for them, Father expected the best from them. He expected them to act responsibly and make him proud of his offspring.

"Well?" He asked when none of them spoke for a long time.

"Uhm, yesterday night Michael was here, Father, I'm not sure what happened but Lara was really upset so I made him leave." Dorian said getting her started but letting her tell what actually happened.

Dorian's hand found hers and he held it reassuringly when Liam nodded and locked his piercing eyes on her, freezing her in her chair. She couldn't break eye contact and under the weight of his stare she found herself whispering.

"He found out I'm pregnant."

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