...Sharp Teeth.

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PG-13: The events described here take place a few months after 'the past still has teeth'. Please remember that there is no hero in this story and the narration revolves around a much darker and somewhat twisted character.

"Hello Urich," Elen greeted as the black bag was lifted from his face. "I hope my pack hadn't been too rough while bringing you here." Her voice pleasant.

"Nothing I couldn't handle really," he said carefully. "What's did you keep in that bag however? It stinks." He winced, as the stench kept filling his nose even now.
"Sorry about that, but since I don't really need you dead you have a slim chance of actually getting out alive, provided you know nothing of the location." He looked surprised at that and Elen gave him a smile.
"Really, I'm not going berserk on all the alphas." She continued.

"I need a where and when from you." She suddenly faced him fully, her expression stony.
"Of what?" He asked, his eyes darting around as if he already was trying to figure a way out.
Elen smiled, "the council of course."

Elen smile widened, glee shining evident in her eyes now. "I was truly hoping you would say that."
"Jim, Mat, would you please be so kind as to tie him to the table over there?"
"Sure." They replied before moving the alpha to the table and pinning him there with silver bonds, ignoring his squirming and tentatives at evasion.
The looks of pity they were giving him where clearly starting to upset Urich and he looked at Elen. "What are you planning to do, torture me?" He spat at her but she just smiled at him for a while.
"Yes, in a fashion, you can say so."

Once he was securely strapped she double checked every single tie and lock before nodding satisfied.
"Jim can you escort here Natalie? I believe she would be best suited for this interrogation."
The wolf looked sharply at her and searched her eyes, disbelief flashing across his face. "Uhm, you sure Alpha?" When she just nodded he departed leaving the three of them there.
"Elen, Natalie is..."
"I'm well aware Mat, yes." She said smiling almost maniacally.
Matthew shock his head and after glancing at the chained alpha he left the room sighing.
A long cold shiver run down Urich spine at the look of pity and farewell? In the departing wolf's eyes. Then Elen turned toward him and her next word froze his blood.

"Natalie came into heat today." She told him in a casual conversational tone. "You are a very strong wolf and you are smart with a strategic mind. Now tell me, how long do you think you will be able to resist in a room with a Beta female in heat?"
"This is stupid! You can't do that!"
"Why not Urich? I promise I will not let her arm you and if she thinks you are worthy of it she might even screw you after you give me what I want. Then you're free to go back to your pack and pledge true innocence. It's a win win." She smiled at him.
She turned when the door opened and her smile widened, "Hey, bitch!"
The other woman growled playfully before answering with a hug. "Hey you, what are you up to?"

"Finding entertainment for your afternoon apparently." Elen answered grinning.
"Ok rules are simple." Her voice suddenly drilled into their very being as her power as an Alpha rode it. "You may not harm him in any permanent fashion. You are not to allow him to come or have penetration until I gain the information I need and assurance that it is accurate." She stated.
In the reverberating silence then she added playfully, "You can tease or tickle him all you want thought." Then she turned to the panicked face of the alpha and smiled to him, "I'll be back in half an hour, maybe you'll have already changed you mind by then." She threw over her shoulder while leaving and locking the cell door behind. He was left staring at a very aroused female in heat with her powerful scent already filling his nose and clouding his mind.
He was standing at attention and with the drive of his instincts to take her so incredibly strong, Urich started to pray.

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