
27 4 0

Author note: G, just for anyone!


This was it.

The moment he'd waited his whole life for. Cold air rushed in his lungs as he drew a deep breath. The deep scent of pine and snow cleaning his mind. He checked his gears again. He lost count of how many time he'd done that a few hundred times ago. Everything seemed ok. The deep chasm extended in front of him. Planes after planes of deep green hill rolled in front of him, harsh mountains peaks, covered in snow with evergreen starting to appear just below the height he was standing now behind him.

He was not looking back, not today. Not tomorrow.

Not ever again.

He flicked his fingers and the screen on his arm came to life. He tapped away for a few moments and was greeted with the gentle hiss of the engines starting. The system he'd spent his life creating hummed to life on his back. His software ran his owns check and settled in standby, waiting instructions.

Normally he would turn it off and start working on the next step.

Not today.

He grabbed his helmet and placed it on his head, clicking a switch on the side. It too hummed to life and sealed with the rest of the suit. Again software checks ran their course while the helmet interfaced with the suit. When it was ready he closed the retina visor, sealing it.

The screen on his arm was instantly reproduced on the retina on three dimensions, his gloves reacting with it so that he could interact with the software.

It was all working as he'd planned. He looked at the hills in front of him, the readings on the retina said he had little more than two thousand meters of free fall to gain the necessary speed to engage the engines in gear two.

This was the only chance he was going to have, couldn't charge the engines once he used them.

Now or never.

The retina told him that the engine load was at a hundred percent, the helmet was reaching it's full oxygen charge and all systems were ready and loaded. He activated the motion console on his gloves and placed his hands on standby position.

The helmet would have enough time to finish during the dive.

He jumped.

The delta shaped loom on his back cutting a bit of the distance of his jump as he knew it would have done. It's cutting edges in aluminum alloy immediately began to sing their tune, slicing the air as he dropped down. He rolled his hands forward a bit and the engines hanging on the underside of the frame kicked in, accelerating his descent far more then gravity could imagine.

His tension was ratcheting up as he watched the hills approaching and his speed climb up.

He reached the speed he needed with some two hundred meters to spare.

The instant he passed a hundred m/s his hands were already in motion, giving the necessary orders.

Half a dozen openings popped up, channeling the incoming air inside the loom, his index fingers flicked downward and the nozzles of the engines changed configuration. He turned his hand outward and then rolled them forward.

He heard the tlicking of the second gear engaging smoothly and then arrived the pressure.

He manoeuvred upward while his speed rushed up and when the sound wall collapsed behind him, the engine load dropped the first percentage unit.

He had made it.

The project he'd worked on since he have memory was working to perfection.

A new rush of adrenaline flooded his body at the realization and he started to work with the controls, savoring the freedom of the sky.

It wasn't long before they spotted him. His retina displayed an incoming transmission from the local army base.

They were intimating him to surrender immediately or he would be shot down.

He laughed at them and started to work with the motion console. Two minutes later the retina showed two incoming objects that later revealed as being jet fighters. When they neared him he kicked in the routine he'd just programmed and the configuration on the openings changed, their number reduced and the frame on his shoulder thinned a bit.

The nozzles settled in the new configuration a mere instant before the engines engaged the third gear.

His blood rushed to his feet as his suit helped him remain awake when he reached a ten g acceleration and pointed skyward. His mind lost in exhilaration for his deeds.

He shot up, the altimeter going wild as he kept gaining speed. Soon he left the atmosphere, he slowed the engines to standby status and looked the planet he was born on slowly fade away.

 Just black black emptiness stood in front of him but his target was there waiting for him.

He shifted to the gravitational console on his gloves and latched the engines on the gravitation field of the planet he needed. After a few seconds of calibration they thrust him across the universe and he smiled.

There was someone waiting for him, and he was coming.

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