The Sorting

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Harry's POV:
We sat down near a pair of redheads when I felt it, someone trying to use legimency to find out stuff about Hermione, Fleur and me. I looked up and say a man with a concentrated expression who looked like an overgrown bat and pushed him out of the our minds his eyes widened in surprise as if no one had ever done that.
" We shall invite all the parents to Hogwarts in a couple of days, we will also be sorting our visitors into their own houses because for the remaining of the year we will act as if you study at Hogwarts" Dumbledore said. Fleur and Hermione actually laughed when he said and I chuckled.
"Is there something you would like to say?" Dumbledore asked looking at Hermione, Fleur and I.
"Yes its just I swear I heard you say that we would be acting like the people from Hogwarts" Fleur said with laughter in her voice.
"I did say that Miss. Delacour every student will be sorted into their own house, they will gain points for their house and will be awarded at the end of the school year." he said.
" Why, I mean look at this school it is a horrible. I mean I think I had heart attack just looking at all the dust here, I might die if I see your dorms" Fleur hissed looking around in disgust.
All the girls laughed and smirked at Fleur and Hermione " The Leaders" of the whole academy.
"Enough" Madam Maxine snapped " Because of that you three will be the first sorted"
" I don't inderstand why I'm being punished also" I told Madam Maxine.
" Because they're your responsibility, you are the main leader in the clique what you say goes and because you didn't stop them from insulting Hogwarts and the people in it they think they can" Madam Maxime responded.
"But what they said is true, they were just pointing out obvious facts" I say with a smirk.
" You're one to talk with that horrible mask on your face." a female responded in the Hufflepuff house.
Both Hermione and Fleur stood up with their wands out and pointed it to the girl, their lips curling up in snarls.
"Don't" I say.
They both look at me in disbelief as if I gained another head. I looked at the girl and said " This mask cost 270,000 gallons most likely more than your house and was especially designed for me by Lequa Legore so no offense but its obvious that you never have seen a good brand."
"ENOUGH" yelled Madam Maxine.
" All three of you come here to get sorted"
I sigh pissed at all the shit these girls put me into even though I love them they still get on my fucking nerves. As I get on the stool I sneer at the hat, its what will decide my fate whether I'm in Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slythrin, or Gryffindor.

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