Chapter 1. - Awakening

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Word Count: 828

I stumbled forward with my hands clasped over the wound in the middle of my stomach. How was I still standing? The pain was insufferable.
The platform I was standing on was coated in darkness, endless rain pouring from the clouds and the waves deep down under the platform threatened to swallow the city in whole. The heavy cold drops were knocking against my head, but I felt something much warmer leaking from underneath my hands. I tried to push it harder, but there was no strength in my muscles. I almost tripped over my own legs. I tried to breathe deeper to calm myself down, but that only resulted in me coughing and sharp pain in my chest. The injury must have been even worse, covering my lungs too.
I heard a dull humming of some machinery as I dragged myself to the door. By the time I reached them I was completely drenched. Wasn't I wet before? I didn't remember, my brain not functioning because of the blood loss.
My legs started to shake uncontrollably when I raised one hand to push the door panel and the door slid open.
It only took two steps to get to the empty corridor, but then my knees gave up and I fell to the floor. My vision blurred at the edges and I looked at my hands that I had clasped over the stomach wound. There was blood everywhere, my hands completely red. My blood, I realized. So much blood. It hurt. I'm going to die, I realized when I saw my blood started to drip to the floor.
I was trembling. This was it, this was the end. I tried to remember if I had any family I could think of in my last moments, but there was nothing in my mind. Just empty space. I lowered my head to the floor, rolling to a fetal position and I huddled, holding my belly. It started to get numb, the pain slowly leaving my body with the steady flow of blood. My vision blurred and darkened. Did somebody turn off the lights in the corridor? No, that was just my body shutting down.
Steps on a metal floor, then gasps and a sound of someone running towards me. I saw a figure all dressed in white armour leaning over me.
"This is CC-4589, I have a badly wounded near landing bay six, I need a medic immediately!" I heard the person talking to the comm link on his wrist. It was a male voice, deep and although it sounded urgent, there was something strangely calming in it.
"I need you to stay with me, miss," was he talking to me? I felt a hand in a gauntlet peeling off one of my hands from my stomach wound. I wanted to stop him, but my hands weren't listening to me anymore, all I got out was a quiet groan, "Shab," I heard him gasp again and then a quick ramble off his belt. Shab, that was a mandalorian curse word. Was he a Mandalorian? That would explain the whole body armour. Wait, how did I know what a mandalorian was and didn't remember my own name? The tremors got worse, my body shaking itself in a desperate try to keep its temperature. I felt his hand again and he was pushing some kind of fabric against my stomach. Patch. He was trying to help me.
"This is CT-6116, we will be there in three minutes," his comm link crackled. But that didn't seem to satisfy him, because he cursed again.
"That is not fast enough, I'll bring her, meet you halfway," he rattled to his wrist, then he leaned over me. Even though my vision was blurry I saw bright brown eyes in the middle of a sharply cut face hovering close to me and felt the hand in a gauntlet on my face, squeezing my cheek.
"Don't you die on me," his voice was drifting away, my ears shutting off everything, "I need you to hold your abdomen," I felt him returning my hands to my belly and I really tried hard to clasp the fabric that was now covering my wound. Or at least keep them there. His hands under my knees and shoulders and he picked me up and started pacing quickly along the corridor.
"Don't sleep, miss," he said to me, picking up speed. He was now running, "You need to stay awake. Don't close your eyes." But I couldn't help it. My eyelids were too heavy. My body stopped the trembling. My muscles weakened so much I couldn't even keep both my hands over my belly. My right arm dropped and I heard the man carrying me cursing again and if it was even possible he sped up more. This was my end then, I thought hazily. I'll die in the hands of a strange mandalorian. My vision went dark and the last thing I saw was my blood coloring his white chest plate.

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