Chapter 31. - A jedi on the run

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Word Count: 6984

Hello if you've read it up to here :)

I'm sorry to keep you hanging for so long, but I really got a writing block and too many stuff happening in my life.

I do however have the story planned out, so I eventually (hopefully :D) get to finish it.

Thank you so much to everyone leaving their likes and comments, it is really motivating and helping me through tough times <3


I focused again and used the force to float the pipeline up to its intended position. Fixit who was sitting on the roof waved at me and started to beat it in with the nails. We already spent a month and half in the Senbra sector and I knew our time here was nearing its end.

Our longer stay would have been justifiable, needed even.

The inhabitants weren't very happy about us, but at the same time, they needed us. The planet's economy system has basically fallen apart after the pandemic and because of the death rate among workers the government officials were really scared of a possibility of famine. It was decided to move the remaining population into the surroundings of the capital. Because the planet was sparsely inhabited even before, it wasn't really that hard. And me with my legion made setups and built farms and new housings all day every day. It was hard work, but it made me feel better.

Although I was still getting hateful looks, because the populace almost as one man blamed the jedi for the tragedy, I knew we were helping them and that was enough.

We only had limited information about what was happening to the rest of the galaxy meanwhile. I knew Obi-wan was successfully resurrected, because I got a com call from Anakin himself about a week into our stay.

He was hesitant, it felt a little too obvious that his padawan made him call me, but he apologized for the way he talked to me and I made my apologies as well. It still didn't feel quite right, but I figured that time might fix things between us.

I absolutely wasn't avoiding Blitz intentionally (no, I wasn't), but we were both simply needed in different places almost all of the time. We haven't spoken much since I woke up. Usually I only saw him from a distance, when he was handing out orders or at the quick briefings we held with the prime minister and the remaining government officials.

"I have it master," Sui waved at me, running towards where I was floating another pipeline up on the roof. She was carrying a stack of flower pots. I couldn't have been more proud of her, to be frank. Once she recovered from all the blood donations, she made herself useful and I was pleasantly surprised how much she changed.

From the small pile of fear she was just three months ago she blossomed into a young determined woman, who was going to turn twelve in just a few rotations. She started to bond with other kids her age around and it seemed that the relationships were good for both parties.

"Put it by the door," I told her, while I floated the last pipeline towards where Fixit pointed.

"No, little bit to the left," I patiently moved the flower to the left, just as the old lady instructed. It was about an hour later, we were done with the house for the senior citizens.

One of the old ladies used to be a medic, healing people with the help of different herbs that she collected and dried. She was one of the few people who wasn't bothered by my presence so I visited her often and made myself useful in her garden in the past month. She used me to my fullest potential, testing my patience more often than not, but she also taught me several valuable lessons on the topic of healing plants and natural medicine.

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