Chapter 3. - First steps

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Word Count: 6512

I opened the door after I knocked on it and heard a quick: "Come in," from inside. It took me almost ten minutes to knock, the irrational fear still riding me hard.

Master Fisto was seated on the floor meditating.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, master," and that title somehow felt right,"I'll come back later," and I turned back.

"No, come sit with me, my padawan," he smiled at me and motioned for a second cushion next to the one he was sitting on. And as I was sitting down, I suddenly wasn't in the same room anymore.

It was a Jedi temple and I was in the temple arena, overlooked by every adult jedi that was currently there. I charged at my opponent, tall twi'lek boy, we both were wielding the practice lightsabers. I knew more duels were still ahead of the masters and I needed to make an impression. He swung his sword from an unexpected angle and it brushed my left thigh. I winced with pain, because it burned through the brown leggins I was wearing.

Suddenly I was back and sitting at the floor of the room with master Fisto holding my upper arm leaning close to me.

"Are you alright, Hinn?" He asked,"You've frozen for a good minute." I nodded and it took every ounce of will to not rip my arm from his hold. He saw me flinching again and let go of me, sitting a bit back to give me a space.

"You chose me," I said, the first words that I've been thinking, the vision I just had still vivid in my mind, "Over all the other younglings you chose me, even though I wasn't the best or oldest. Why?" I looked him in the eyes and I saw him smiling, it was obviously a happy memory for him.

"You were a very determined and chatty little girl," he said, his face softening, "You somehow managed to convince master Yoda to let you compete with the others even though you were a year younger than it was customary at that time. And then obviously you've lost," his eyes were unfocused looking somewhere behind my head,"But you weren't mad, you went to your opponent and made him walk you through his movements to make sure you wouldn't make the same mistake again. That's very rare to see in a child."

"But still I lost..."

"I wasn't looking for the best fighter in my padawan" he got up walking over to one long narrow window overlooking the ocean,"I wanted someone with the right spirit. Still it took a lot of convincing the council to have you as my padawan," He turned back to me still smiling,"But you've more than lived up to your potential. I didn't mention it too often because I was worried it could get into your head, but you were the best fighter in your generation," he pulled on his brown cloak and walked over to the door. I got up, my stomach already hurting because of the movement,"I have to leave for an important mission," master Fisto said, "But please, try to remember as much as possible, we could really use your abilities right now."

I nodded and made my way out of his room. After that I realized I was hungry, but I had no idea to whom to turn or who to find.

"Excuse me," I stopped by the group of clones. All of them looked at me intensely, "Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, sir, general," one of them answered.

"I'm not a general," I said, "Just Hinn," now they were all staring at me with confusion written all over their faces, "Where would I find some food around here?" I asked and I felt a little bit of blush coming up into my face.

"It's close, sir," the same clone said, still apparently very confused with me, "It's just two levels..."

"Master jedi!" I turned around to see another clone trooper coming closer to me, calling my name. Familiar tone of voice and he looked a bit nervous when he stopped before me. His uniform had yellow stripes. I've seen those stripes before. CC-4589, "I mean, commander, my lady..." he stopped in front of me, obviously obnoxious about what to say.

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