Chapter 3 Milliot

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Milly trudged her way towards the front doors of the school, the club meeting was soon and she didn't want to be late. Partly because she knew Zander and Luke would probably be doing some cute stuff during th rehearsal. Then she saw a boy with muted pink hair walking towards her.
"H-hey milly"
Elliot came over to her
"Oh-um...hey elliot"
Her feet shuffled in the snow, unintentionally drawing a heart.
"I-I just wanted to tell you, the snow blossoms have started to bloom! Would you like to come to the greenhouse after school?"
Milly nodded and blushed.
"Kay! See you then"
Elliot gave Milly a soft smile and walked away.
Millys heart felt like it was going to burst. This was a side most people didn't see, the soft caring side of her. As she walked through the halls to the club room, she caught sight of Zoey coming towards her.
'Zoeys.....purposely coming over to me?!'
Milly stood there in shock. She soon noticed Lia trying to mouth something to her. Milly had actually talked to In a last week and got her whole story. She was peer pressured into bullying because Zoey was her best friend. She even apologized to Milly, and honestly Milly felt kind of bad for the popular girl, so she forgave her, and now occasionally Lia would try to help ad and Zoeys schemes. So this time, Milly actually paid attention to what she was trying to say. She made out a few words
'run. Now.go away. She's plotting something again."
Just as Milly turned her heal to go the other direction, Zoey grabbed her shoulder.
"Your not going ANYWHERE UNTILL you hear what I have to say"
Milly turned to face the  strawberry blond haired girl. She saw Lia shaking her head, resentful to Zoey.
Zoey looked back at Milly then immediately started talking.

"I heared your performance outside, and I'm saying- YOU SIMPLY CANNOT compete in the competition. Your too good, you music freaks will rise up and overthrow me."

Milly smirked and replied

"So? We don't care about popularity you know. So what if we overthrow you?"

Zoeys green eyes glinted.
"I bet your a big part of the club, after all your the main guitarist"

"Yeah- basically. The main melody kinda relys on me"

Zoey smirked with enthusiasm, Milly could tell that things were going her bullys way.

" know how my dad's on the school board?"

milly rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Well, I'm pretty sure he could have one student expelled if I told you all the things you've done to me"

Millys eyes widened. She wasn't expecting that. Then-her face went red with fury.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! DONT PLAY THE VICTIM HERE. you've bullied me since I was a freshman!"

Milly almost yelled at Zoey, but she didn't care. She couldn't take it anymore
Then Zoey calmly replied

"I'll excuse you from expulsion, IF you drop out of the club. A performance without the main guitarist? How embarrassing would that be?"

Milly gasped.

"Well then, byee~"
Zoey walked dramatically away, looking triumphant and Liz followed her, glaring at the girl.
Milly was shocked. Then she did something she hadn't done in a while, she cried.

'Stop crying Milly! You have to get to rehearsal!'
Milly scolded herself as tears streamed down her face. She quickly wiped them, and ran towards the music room.

When she opened the classroom door, Milly almost nocked over Zanders piano!
And Zander on instinct, scolded Milly

"Milly!!! Can you be more careful next time?!"

And then, to everyone's surprise, Milly bursts into tears, and tell to the floor crying.

Zanders expression quickly changed to a look of concern

"milly look- it's not that big of a deal, I was just overreacting!"
Zander was shocked, everyone was. They had never seen Milly cry before.

"Is it Zoey again? If it is, then i SWEAR i will tell drew-"

Milly looked up

"Yeah its zoey...but a totally different situation..."

She explained her problem. After a moment of shock, Hailey replied softly

"If you want to quit its fine Milly, the band competition isnt the most important thing in the world"

But Milly shook her head. She wasnt giving up. Not yet. Zoey wouldnt get her way.

After school at the greenhouse, elliot noticed milly seeming glum. He looked at her and asked softly
"Milly are you okay?...your acting different today"
The pink haired girl looked up at the taller boy.
"...well...i got into another scrap with zoey"
Elliot looked at her- took her hand and led Milly to a bench
"Can you tell me what happened?"
It took a bit of coaxing for milly to tell him but Elliot managed to get her to tell.
After the pink haired boy heared what Zoey did, he walked up to Milly then wrapped his arms around her.
Milly blushed in the embrace, but slowly melted into it.
When they pulled away, Elliot got a red flower and put it in Millys hair. Then he softly said.
"I'll fight for you"
Milly looked back at The taller boy and replied
"....ill fight for you too"

A/N: AAHH im so sorry for the delay of this chapter!!!!! Ive been having schoolwork TvT i hope this was worth the wait ^^

LJSM FANFIC "I'll fight for you"- the music freaksWhere stories live. Discover now