Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 of "I'll fight for you"

ft: Jailey, Milliot, Lander Saisy

Jailey pt
After everyone arrived- Hailey tried to make her 'club starting speech' thing-

she failed- and badly-
"Hailey what is UP with you today?"
"Nothing zander- im just nervous thats all"
"Let me guess- your busy with your dates to worry about speeches and club meetings and blah blah blah"
Hailey's face went tomato red and she started pacing back and forth, trying to get a hold of herself while still muttering her angry retorts at Zander while Jake watched 1 foot away- looking down at the snow and wringing his hands nervously and wondering when zander would come over to kill him for hanging out with his sister. but he didn't- maybe it was because Luke was there.
'note to self- have luke around more often'

Jake kept that thought in his mind for later, then he realized that he had thought of that earlier- he just didn't remember anything,which he was mad about because he could have just plopped Luke next to Zander all day and the grape boy wouldn't attack.

'Nevermind that'
he thought, and he remembered something
"oh yeah- Hailey you wanted me to write my part of the song- i have it here"

he took out the slip of paper he had folded carefully and had put inside his bag.
"uhm- it's not much but- i just had a thought for it and i wrote it last night- i hope its not TOO bad"
Hailey slowly opened the paper and started reading the song Jake had written:
(i actually wrote this so it may be a tad bit bad TvT)
In my imagination i can travel to any nation

in my imagination i can be the creation

but most importantly- i can be who i really want be

and you're, with me.

My mind is blown of who i became

i really want to go back to where i originated

before i became who i am right now...faded

"wow Jake!! this is great for a nights work! I'll write my part tonight"Luke stared at the lyrics then back at Jake- he noticed Sean doing the same thing. were they the only ones that noticed?

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