(A/N! This is your warning now, if you aren't caught up on the anime, don't read because there could be anime spoilers in the future.)


Y/N's Point of View~

"Are you sure this is a good idea Twice?" I ask, walking beside the masked man to meet this 'league of villains' he was so sure I'd get along with.

"Of course! I already told them we were coming. They're all really great friends- assholes!" He chirps, approaching a secluded building that was practically falling apart from the inside out.

I sigh, "Right." I watch him walk to the door before bursting through it, practically. "Guys, I brought someone who can join us!" Twice says with glee and I take my time to walk in, standing in the door frame, looking at everyone growing slightly intimidated, but hiding it. Why did I even agree to come with you Twice? Why do I listen to any of his ideas?

"And who is this?" A cold voice asks and I look in the direction it came from seeing a blue-haired guy with an a- hand over his face. I blink, "Y/N. Just Y/N." I say, staring at him from behind Twice who eventually steps to the side of me. Are those the hands of his enemies-? A fetish maybe?

"Why is she here?" He asks, staring at me and Twice. So he must be their leader presumably. Maybe I shouldn't make assumptions yet.

"What is your quirk?" He asks me before Twice can answer his question, snapping me out of my own thoughts. I nod slowly, scanning the room before deciding on this crocodile looking, teenage mutant ninja turtle guy. We make direct eye contact and I take control over him, making him stand swiftly, taking a knife off the table before going at their leader with it. I make the alligator guy point the blade at their leader before stopping, giving him control over his body again.

The blue-haired man, nods slowly, staring at the tip of the blade just as the crock pulls it away, wide eyed with realization.

"Control." They both say in sync under their breath.

Lizard guy turns and shoots me a death glare, "Did I say you could do that to me?" He snaps, running at me with the same blade I put in his hand. I jump back which does literally nothing when he gets inches from my face with the rusted blade. I tense up and stare as a warped type of portal pops up, causing him to go through it. I stare in shock looking around the room nonchalantly for the alligator. 

"Sorry about that. Spinner is a very angry being. What can you say though? This is a room full of villains and you threatened him. I'm Kuroguri." An unknown voice says in the corner of the room and I turn my head to see a person? Walking portal? None of this makes sense. I nod slowly, "So, with that, I think I'll take my leave now." I say turning on my heel and walking out, despite Twice calling out for me. I go wide-eyed thinking about what just happened. What the fuck? Spinner? Kuroguri? I recall their names over and over in my head and sigh. None of this makes sense. There was also a blonde girl, a guy with a top hat and a long yellow coat, and a guy with burns covering him in various places. 

Maybe I should go back. Where else am I going to go? Back to the asylum I just broke out of? Yeah, right. I have nothing else to lose. It could be interesting. Unless they kill me- but surely they would've done so by now, right?

I huff at myself, before turning and walking back, looking at the ground. Great. I'm going to look like a complete idiot. I let the breeze go through my (H/L), (H/C) hair as I walk, looking down at this bland outfit Twice found me. I should get clothes soon. 

I feel my wrist get grabbed and before I can react I get slammed into the side of a building causing me to wince and let out a faint cry . I quickly look up to see the same scarred man from the leagues' hideout. He looks at me but doesn't making eye contact, meaning I can't use my quirk on him. Did he catch on that fast earlier? No way.

"Where did you think you were going after finding one of our hideouts?" He seethes, making sure I stay back against the building wall. "Well if you were paying any attention, I was walking back towards-" I cut myself off, screaming when a blue flame comes spiraling at me after erupting from his hand. I go wide-eyed when the flames land on either side of my face, barely missing. So that's his quirk and presumably how he got his scars. Great. I stare wide eyed wishing I could make myself smaller.

"Don't get an attitude with me," He warns, "I wouldn't want to ruin that pretty face of yours."

Pretty face?

"You almost just burned me alive."

He chuckles in amusement, "It wouldn't be the first time I've burned someone alive, dollface and if I wanted to, I would've. " 


I stare at him, letting it turn to a cold glare despite my own fear, "What do you want?" I ask going to move but immediately freezing as he gives me a warning look followed by a blue flame appearing in his hand. Even if he were to make eye contact I wouldn't have the balls to control him. He holds the power here. He approaches me with a crooked smile and I narrow my eyes knowing he was close enough as is.

"Well, dollface, the league isn't necessarily a place you can just come and go from. We wouldn't want anyone snitching, now would we?" He asks putting his hand on the wall beside my head now towering over me. I look away from him, "Clearly you aren't trying to kill me or you would've by now." I say in a hitched voice.

"Now who said I don't like playing with my food before I kill it?" 

Food? Excuse you.

"Rude," I mutter under my breath.

He snickers before using the hand that isn't against the wall, putting it under my chin and trying to tilt my head up but I pull away staring off and swallow hard. I should have kept walking.

"You're no fun, doll." 

"Maybe. But you aren't telling me what you're here for." I say, looking up at him on my own free will. Were those staples? Piercings? Stitches?  What does it even matter?

"I was here to kill you," He smirks and I watch a blue flame erupt from the hand that was under my chin, making me look up at him. There was no more acting tough like I did with Spinner. If you can call that tough. This guy was actually scary and that Kuroguri guy wasn't here to stop him. I bite my tongue, feeling the heat emit from his hand, it dangerously close to burning my neck. I stare up at him, getting chills.

"Fear looks good on you, puppy eyes."

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