"(Y/N), what are you doing?" Barks my drunk mother who barged into my room, causing 12 year old me to flinch and drop the picture frame I was holding to the ground. The frame shatters revealing money I've been stealing and saving to show beneath a photo of my brother and I.

She laughs, "You thought you were going to leave this place? How cute!"

She stumbles towards me, moving and backhanding me harshly making me fall back and onto the floor crying out as she comes at the twelve year old with malicious intent, hitting the kid repeatedly

"Unlike your brother you will never get away!" She screams picking up a shard of glass slicing it across the kids ear, barely missing her cheek only because of (Y/N) looking away. (Y/N) screams trying to scoot away, grabbing a stuffed animal trying to shield her body with it when the alcoholic goes to hit her again.

But her strike never lands.

"(Y/N)," I lower, deeper voice calls out calmly. Her brother. "I want you to get up and leave the room. Don't open your eyes until you are out."

(Y/N) sniffles, getting up shakily and covering her eyes like the two of them used to practice, running out of the room quietly. The drunk mother crying and begging her son for forgiveness as he shuts the door taking care of her once (Y/N) is out.


"We talked about this (Y/N), it's not safe with me and you can't stay here anymore," The tall dark haired brother cooes, wiping blood from the girls ear.

"But I'm not strong like you are- I don't even have a quirk yet," she cries holding the stuffed animal.

"Hey, you'll get your quirk. You're on your own now, okay? I'll always be watching over you and you won't even know it." He smiles giving her the money and picture from the frame in there, "I don't want you going in that room okay? Get out of here and live whatever kind of life that may be," He smiles messing with her hair before leaving quickly. The small, scared 12 year old watching him leave distraught.


(Y/N)s Point of View

"Hey! Miss? Are you alright?" A voice asks quickly and I groan in a daze, rubbing my eyes confused, opening my eyes and seeing a guy with large red wings staring at me concerned.

"What happened?" I groan confused, looking around the unfamiliar room.

"You were hit by a car. I was able to pull you away before it got you fully but you still took some damage after the initial impact," He explains and I nod slowly as he explains I hit my head on the windshield and he brought me to a hospital.

I get up after a moment nodding slowly, "I'm okay- Thank you!" I exclaim running off before he can stop me. I look around disoriented and panicked, running through exit doors shoving past nurses who try asking me if I'm okay. I get outside and keep running seeing it's daylight now. I run to the bar in the distance, catching my breath and going to it unsure what time it is or what's going on.

I don't remember anything that went on yesterday but for some reason is feeling like I need to go in here.

I enter the bar seeing the league and blinking, starting to back out of the bar laughing nervously.

"You're late dollface," Dabi seethes walking towards me eating an apple.

I nod looking up at him confused, "It's kind of hard to tell time without a watch-" I stammer cutting myself off, "Late for what exactly?" I ask quietly fixing my tone, yelping when he moves and shoves me back harshly.

"Don't play smart with me. The hell happened to you?"

"According to this red winged dude-" I start but get cut off wincing

"You were with Hawks? The pro hero?" He asks with a hostile tone staring down at me.

"I got hit by a fucking car," I seethe, my head starting to ache as the league laughs in the background finding it hilarious, making a small flame of anger build up inside of me. He stares at me for a moment and I shove him off, stepping back, "I don't even know what I'm late for or why I showed up here!" I snap, my quirk going off but in a different way that I've never used before.

"The hell are you doing?" Dabi seethes and I stare at him confused as he shoots flames at me making me gasp and dodge, jumping behind a garbage can unaware I used my quirk on him. I take deep breaths, sliding down the brick wall, hugging my knees wide eyed.

What did I do? What is he talking about? That's not my quirk. My quirk is control. I can control one person I make eye contact with. I didn't control him. That wasn't me.

I take the deep breath waiting for the flames to stop, peeking out just for him to grab me harshly by the collar of my shirt, yanking me to my feet with a malevolent look in his eyes.

"Th-That wasn't me! I don't even know what happened!" I plead wide eyed, grabbing his hands, trying to pry them off of me.

He glares pinning me harshly to the wall, the league being nosey and coming out, watching with a general curiosity, "You made me see things I didn't want to see," He says in a low tone before throwing me harshly to the ground. I whine in pain, my scraped palms starting to bleed again when I try catching myself on the cold asphalt.

The large purple warp dude know as Kuroguri steps out calmly, "Might I suggest not killing her yet," He says calmly, making a warp to block Dabis fire as he shoots it maliciously at him, "That quirk could be of use to the league and killing her wouldn't be quite as fun," He says and I stare between the two wide eyed.

What do they mean?

"Open a warp," Dabi says walking over to me. I flinch as he grabs my upper arm dragging me through an opening portal, "H-Hey!" I say panicking unsure where we were as we enter a dark and cold building. I look around wide eyed trying to stand so I'm not being dragging, struggling to keep up despite his burning grip on my upper arm.

I build up the confidence through the fear of his dark aura and the words, "Where are we," barley escape my mouth. I shakily look up at him after a moment of walking through the dark. Just to see his normal cold expression.

"Have you ever seen a nomu?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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