Dabi's Point of View~

I smirk, seeing more fear than I thought was even possible wash over her face. Her lip quivers and a chuckle escapes my lips, "What? Cat got your ton-" I cut myself off, blinking as I watch her faint and fall to the ground, not bothering to catch her. Did she just die? I stare at her unconscious body for a moment before nudging her leg with my boot, seeing she's still breathing. Do I leave her here? If she is actually a known criminal and someone sees her and recognizes her then she'll be turned in. What a waste of a good quirk.

"You're lucky Shigaraki took an interest in your quirk," I mutter, grabbing her and throwing her over my shoulder, holding her legs as I begin walking back to the hideout. If she wakes up before I get there I could just knock her out again so there's is no struggle. She's so skittish. Hard to play with. How could Twice imagine her in the league. I roll my eyes staring off.

I get back to the hideout, entering and giving everyone a plain look, dropping her to the ground harshly, "She fainted from fear. If I hear any smartass remarks I'll burn you to a crisp." I warn everyone, walking over to a barstool and sitting down, staring at the (h/c) girl. How old was she? Where did Twice find her?

"Hey Twice, where'd you pick her up from?"

"Who? Y/N? We go way back," He brags, "I met her before the government took her away and she got in touch with me when she escaped the asylum. I made a double of her to throw off the authorities!" He informs in his normal tone and I nod. Asylum? Why did the government take her there? I stare at the unconscious female with new questions, making curiosity burn through me.

"How old is she?" I ask plainly, taking a bottle of whiskey Kuroguri left out and pouring myself a glass.

"Nineteen I think." Twice yawns.

Isn't he like thirty-one? How did they meet? Why do I care anyway? I scoff, drinking the dark-colored liquor.

Y/Ns Point of View~

"Please don't, please," I say with tears streaming down my face as my hands get restrained to either side of the chair. I shake my head back and forth as a way of saying no but my pleas get ignored when I begin kicking my legs violently, making it harder for them to restrain me. But in the end, the guy restrains me with overall ease, tightening the restraints until they hurt.

 "Do you know why you're in here, (Y/N)?" A guy in a white lab coat starts, "Your brother murdered countless until his reign was over. How can we be so sure you, with the same quirk, won't do the same to avenge his death?" He asks, putting a white band over my head as I choke on thick tears. 

"I'm not him, please," I croak, "I'm just a kid." I plead that being something my brother told me to tell people to make them feel bad.

"You're brother killed my wife. I wish I could do this to him, but you'll have to do. I'm going to make sure you never see the outside world again." He whispers coldly in my ear when a few other men in lab coats come in, starting the loud machine up

"Some heroes, right?"

"Put it on the highest setting that won't kill her." The guy orders before shoving a thick dirty rag into my mouth, moving and leaning against a wall, watching with a faint smile on his face. 

I watch another guy turn a knob to the number eight. The numbers only go up to ten and I assume nine and ten are lethal. I then watch him pull an old, rusted lever before a strong surge of electricity runs through my body and I scream as It progressively gets worse.

"Hey, get up, naptime is over." A voice calls, kicking me lightly in the side, forcing me to jolt awake, sitting up and breathing heavy. I look around, wide-eyed, seeing a completely different setting and completely different people. I scoot back on the floor until my back hits the cold wall and look around seeing only a few of the members of this league before seeing the scarred guy was the one lightly kicking me. Their leader wasn't in sight from the looks of it. How did I get here? What happened? The last thing I remember is that guy towering over me and calling me puppy eyes.

"I-What?" I stammer, getting up and looking around at the people here, my heart still racing from that flashback. Having a faint tremble in my motion.

"You were awestruck by my appearance and fainted." The guy with burnt skin says sarcastically, holding a drink in his hand. It was only him, Twice, and a girl with blonde hair in two buns here. 

"Dabi and I were just talking about you while you were napping!" Twice perks up putting around the scarred man's shoulder, immediately getting shoved off harshly. Dabi. That's a different name. "What was it like?" He adds obviously not knowing when to shut up. My heart sinks and I tense up at the question. What if they're all the same? They're going to do the same things as the asylum. I need to get out of here.

"Can I leave?" I ask almost silently, picking the skin around my nails too scared to make eye contact with any of them, even Twice.

The guy known as Dabi scoffs and I just know he rolled his eyes.  While the girl pipes in, "She's no fun. What a bummer," She huffs and I watch her leave out of the corner of my eyes.

They all ignore me and I continue to look down, making my way to the door. I reach the door going for the door handle when a hand lands on my shoulder, heat radiating off of it to the point of almost burning me.

"Dabi," I say stopping in my tracks hesitating when it comes to turning around until watching him move in front of me.

"What's up, dollface?" He asks, smirking and I swallow hard, narrowing my eyes as her runs his coarse hands around my Jae lightly.

"You stopped me and it's Y/N," I say through now grit teeth despite being scared. Alcohol lingered on his breath and I did my best not to cringe at how strong it was.

"Why don't we sit and have a talk, dollface?" He says yawning in my face and purposely not using my actually name.

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