Y/N's Point of View~

"Why are you asking?" I blink confused by the randomness. I stare up at him completely lost, "Do you have like a crush on him or somethi-" I get cut off getting grabbed and slammed harshly into a brick wall. I wince and stare at the man who was now angered in the face. I wince, forcing myself to stand and look at him. He is a very moody man.

"I will fucking burn you alive." He says in a hushed warning tone and I flinch at the swearing, tensing up as he leans down to my level. If I control him I could make a run for it. But he'd definitely find me.

"What do you need me to do?" I ask, looking away from him feeling his hot breath on my neck

"We're going on a heist," He starts running a finger across my cheek lightly.

Very moody.

"When he tries stopping the heist, you'll take control over him and I'll handle the rest, doll."


I stare at him silently not liking this plan. He chuckles in a dark, low voice and stares, "How do you know that old man will be the hero that tries to stop us?" I ask

 He uses his thumb to lift my chin and I stare, making eye contact, "Don't you trust me?"

I pull my face away and look at him again, "No, but I'll go along with it pretty boy" I say since he thinks we're on a nickname basis giving him a look

He stares at me for a few more moments before moving and walking offer gesturing for me to follow. Wasn't me following him earlier an issue? I follow after him calmly, messing with the jacket zipper.

"Are you always like this?"

"Yes." He responds going back in the direction of the bar. I look up at the dark storm clouds forming overhead and knowing it's going to be one hell of a night when it comes to getting any sleep. We approach the bar, the corpses still there, unfound. Does no one come this way? I can't tell what makes less sense right now out of everything going on.

We get to the bar and he goes inside silently, letting the door hit me as I follow him in making me glare.

"What are we doing here?" I ask crossing my arms

"Do you ever shut up?"  He asks giving me a look, "There's clothes in there. Take a shower." He mutters pouring himself a glass of bourbon.

I stare unsure if that was some sort of insult but ignore it knowing I looked awful, going and entering the room it being a bathroom that definitely hasn't been cleaned. But the water works making me smile faintly as I close the door, starting the shower, taking his jacket off and hanging it on the door before discarding the rest of my clothes to the floor.

I stare at myself in the mirror. All the bruises and scars. The memories behind every single one. Some more fresh than others. But they all hold the same dark meanings. I stare at every aspect of my body silently. My (h/c) hair was dirty and tangled, my lips chapped, skin dry. My skin was paler than usual making me look sickly and shows copious amounts of abuse on its own.

I take a deep breath forcing myself to look away as I get into the hot shower forcing myself to scrub my body until it's red. I sit in the bathtub shakily staring off as I use the products in here on my hair starting to tear up getting flashbacks of all the fowl hands that have touched my body. All the people that did things I didn't want them to. Seen things I didn't want them to see. The water hides my tears as I force myself to my feet, rinsing my hair actually able to run my hands through it.

I take deep breaths finally calmly down until I hear the door open causing me to go wide eyed, moving and peeking out the shower curtain seeing Dabi, "What are you doing?" I ask wide eyed making sure my body stays hidden behind the shower curtain.

"You were taking too long and I had to take a piss," He explain unzipping his pants making me go wide eyed looking back in the shower, hiding myself, "I was getting ready to get out!" I seethe despite not being intimidating at all to him.

He ignores me and flushes the toilet making the water go cold on my back as he leaves, shutting the door. I quickly turn the water off getting out when he leaves, ringing out my hair quietly.

I go through the clothes that were tied in a grocery bag picking out things and putting them on silently. I take a deep breath seeing how much cleaner I look and a faint smile creeps onto my face as I leave the bathroom looking around quietly.

I look around, not seeing Dabi at the bar and blink, "Hel-" I get cut off when a rough hand covers my mouth making me go wide eyed and struggle only to be turned, facing an amused Dabi.

I glare, pushing him away, "Why would you do that?" I ask, my heart racing

He puts his warm hand on my cheek and smirks, "I wanted to see those sweet puppy eyes,"

I glare, pushing his hand away not amused by it, going to the bar and sitting down on the stool I was at.

"Meet me here tomorrow at noon," He says in a strained, low voice before walking out. I roll my eyes mocking his words but get startled just by the idea of being in this leagues space alone causing me to get up and run to the door, leaving quickly. I get outside and sigh heading back to the bench I stayed on last night thinking about who I knew before I was locked up knowing I had some friends prior to fighting Endeavor.

Before I was locked up there was a lot I did. I knew people and had friends besides Twice. Am I really going to fight Endeavor again? I can't put my trust into some guy I don't even know. What if I get locked up again? Running from Dabi seems like the safest option. He can't get me locked up. He could kill me. But that's only if he can catch me. I could run- No, I'm terrible at running. But I could hide from him. Go somewhere else in the world.

I get so lost in thought I only look up when I hear a car horn making me go wide eyed, getting flashbacks and falling back onto the road scraping my palms to the harsh road.

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