Y/N's Point of View

Dabi and I had moved to the bar stools leaving an empty seat in between us and I watched as he poured another glass of whiskey for himself before offering me one. I shake my head, no, and stare at him despite being exhausted and wanting to be out of this place.

"Why were you in the asylum?" Dabi asks casually.

"Why do you care?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him.

"I don't. You gonna speak?" He asks creating a small blue flame in his hand.

"Rude," I mutter, "My brother killed people. He died at the hands of a hero. I was angry so I attacked that stupid hero, Endeavor. But I was also only fifteen and didn't even know how to throw a punch properly. Needless to say, he threw me through a window and knocked me out so they could take me into custody. The pros assumed I was working alongside him and I was considered government property." I say looking around the bar that was empty besides the two of us being in here. 

After a moment I look at Dabi who had a more surprised expression on his dull face, "What?"

"I didn't say anything puppy eyes," He says getting up and walking out, leaving his now empty glass at the bar. I stare at the door he left out of for a few minutes before getting up and walking out. That was fucking weird. Where do I go now? What do I do now? I walk through the empty streets paranoid someone is going to recognize me and get me sent back to that asylum.

Puppy eyes. What are with all of these nicknames?

I get settled on a more secluded side of town in a wooded area. I lie curled up onto a black park bench that resided just off of a walking trail. I pull my hair back and get as comfortable as it gets before drifting into a light sleep.

I wake up to a loud siren ringing through the intercom of the small padded room. Shut up. God, shut the hell up! I get up angrily knowing they do this every time I fall asleep. I angrily bang on the locked door wanting it to stop. The frequency gets sharper and I cover my ears with my hands, screaming in an attempt to tune out the sound. The door creaks open and I turn seeing a group of guys enter as the sound cuts out, my screams then following suit.

I crawl back away from the laughing guys knowing what is about to happen.

"Please don't," I beg these forty-year-old men and older swallowing hard. Fighting just makes the aftermath worse. But sitting and doing nothing feels even worse. I back into a wall scared and start screaming again wishing anyone in their right mind would hear my cries and actually help.

I jolt awake looking around in complete panic. It was just a dream. It was just a very bad dream. I sit up and look around sweating on the park bench and panting as people that pass by stare with weirded-out expressions. What time is it? The sun is out and people are out so it can't be too early. I get up and make my way out of the wooded area. 

I should find Twice. Knowing my luck, he's at that sketchy bar. Maybe he won't be there on a Sunday. Yeah, right.

I walk into a town getting whistled at by a few different guys. I try ignoring it, knowing with my quirk I can only control one person at a time so this wouldn't be a good situation to do something. I walk faster to this bar but know it's down a dead-end alleyway. I really chose to walk into shitty situations.

"Hey, hot stuff!" One of the men calls with a slurred voice. Do people drink this early in the morning? Is it even morning? I groan and walk faster, turning down the alley and speeding up. What if the door is locked? Than what? 

My plain black long-sleeved shirt gets grabbed and I gasp, turning on my heel and trying to get the guy off of me but he doesn't making eye contact. I narrow my eyes, kicking him back harshly but the freak doesn't let go and rips part of my shirt. I groan, getting flashbacks and back myself into the wall. Trying to control him but he's too busy staring at my chest.

I stare at the group of guys in fear as they creep forward before seeing a bright blue flame approaching. I gasp, ducking down and hugging my legs scared of being incinerated. The heat from the flames hit me but not the actual flame. I look up hesitantly to see scorched bodies hit the ground, seeing Dabi behind them. The smell of burnt hair causing me to instinctively feel my hair, making sure I'm not bald.

"You could've killed me." I say holding onto my legs staring at him

He chuckles, "Am I supposed to care?"

"You don't have to be so mean." I mutter and he gives me a confused look as I get up seeing the rips in my shirt, trying to cover myself quickly.

"Don't flatter yourself doll." He rolls his eyes, chucking the black zip up jacket he was wearing at me. "Unless?" He adds with a smirk and I go slightly wide eyed, giving him a look, putting on the jacket and zipping it.

"Do you know where Twice is?" I ask as he walks away, following after him.

"Yeah." He says but doesn't tell me where and I blink, staying silent.

"With Shigaraki." He adds and I groan, nodding, assuming that is their leader.

"Why are you following me?" He asks, giving me a look and I try to mock his look but get intimidated. I put my hands up defensively and slow down.

He stops in his tracks, staring at me and I step back starting to go the other way.  Why was I talking to this guy like he didn't call me food yesterday? He just killed like five people (that deserved it) in front of me.

My wrist gets grabbed like yesterday and I get pulled onto a side street. He warms his hand up against my wrist as a silent warning not to cause a scene. I stare up at him unsure what he could possibly want besides to kill me at this point.

"Do you want revenge on Endeavor?"

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