Chapter 13: "Death Note"

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Once you and L reached the correct floor, you searched for Misa. She wasn't there though, L pulled out his phone. "We need back up, we have acquired strong evidence that Misa is Kira or at least the second Kira, locate her in this facility... we need 5 men on every floor." He was serious. "L, we need to contact the higher ups." I said nervously.
"I'm calling Watari now." He said in a calm serious tone. He began explaining that Watari needed—

to call the government so they could put wanted Misa posters in every place in Tokyo. After about an hour of talking on the phone to many different people, L turns to me. "We can relax, they will find her." "O-okay!" I said with a smile. I walked outside and looked up, the clouds were big and fluffy. Suddenly something fell from the sky and hit me on the head. I collapsed onto the ground and struggled to get back up. Once I stood again I opened my eyes.

I was surprised! I fell back into the ground. A monster was standing in front of me with a devilish grin. "Hey (Y/n)!" Yelled a familiar voice. "She can't see me, don't worry." Muttered the demon that stood before me. "Hey it's me Hana!" She said stumbling in front of me. I quickly kicked the notebook that was on the floor out of sight. That notebook I saw for a split second was definitely linked with that shinigami that stood before me. "H-hey Hana I can't talk right now! I-I'll be back soon!" I quickly grabbed the book and ran towards L.

Hana looked at me as I sprinted towards the building entrance where L stood. I stumbled to him out of breath. "Are you okay?" He said as his eyes shot open. "You look half dead!" "Sh-shinigami!!" I yelled as I threw the notebook into his arms. He stumbled to catch it but eventually had the front of the book facing him. "Death Note...?" He said looking up at me. "Is this some sort of pr—" He said as he was suddenly stopped looking up at a Shinigami. "Aaaahhh!" L screamed.

"Oh?" Said the monster. (Authors note: This isn't Ryuk or Rem, this is an un-canon shinigami.) "Who are you?!" L said aggressively. "Someone's grumpy." They said with a evil grin. "I am the owner of that Death Note, may I have it back please?" They said with a impatient tone. "What is this 'Death Note'." L said starting to calm down. "Nothing much, it's just a book of death that I happened to drop." The shinigami said smugly. "Well no duh." I said rolling my eyes.

The shinigami squinted at me. "What does it do was my question." L said again. "Whoever's name is written in this book will surely die, default is a heart attack but you can change that I guess." They said scratching their monstrous head. "Heart attack?" L questioned. "Take this thing, I really don't want it!" I said as I gave it back to the monster. "No wait (Y/n), what really are you?!" L asked the Shinigami. Before he could get an answer the shinigami snatched the Death Note and spread its wings. "Later." It said before taking off. "Wait we need more answers!" L said stretching out his arm.

"Just ask my pal Rem, heard she was down here." The shinigami said turning its head to us as it flew away. "Hahahahaha!" It laughed as it sped up into the sunset. "Rem?"

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