Chapter 12: Shinigami

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"Flew at you?" L muttered with much confusion. Matsuda nodded and covered his face with his hands. His eyes were full of fear. "I-it just came at me and flew into my hand... It wasn't Misa who threw it either..." Matsuda uttered.

L's expression changed. "Wasn't Misa..?" Ryuzaki uttered in surprise. "No... I-I know this sounds crazy but it lifted up and threw itself at me!" Matsuda said crazily fidgeting his arms around. "Shinigami..." L said as fear played through his eyes like a soft but fretful melody.

"S-shinigami...?" I stuttered, trying to wrap my head against what he just said. "T-the notes!" L said sprinting over to his desk and rummaging through all the drawers. He eventually pulled out several copies of notes and slammed them in front of me. "Read them!" He yelled. I began to scan through the pages and noticed a pattern.

"It looks like it says... something about shinigamis liking apples." I said itching my head as I read the top lines, desperately trying to put the sentence together I turned to L who was now biting his fingernail. I put my hand on his back. "Calm down." I said softly. His eyes calmed down as his pupils changed back their normal diluted state.

"L-let's try calm down now." Matsuda said, rubbing his injury. I nodded. "If gods of death exist then we can't just calm down!" L said as his eyes struck back into their surprisingly terrified state. He placed both of his hands onto his head and curled up. He was so distressed. I was so saddened looking at him like that.

I wanted to hug him tight in my arms but instead, I gave him a slap. "Snap out of it L, you are an amazing detective... man up!" I said yelling at the top of my lungs. My heart suddenly stopped. Why did I do that?! "Thank you." L said softly. He looked back up at me with tears forming. I leaned close to him then I turned to a tissue box and I wiped his tears.

I got up and then turned to the elevator. My eyes filled with determination as I walked towards the elevator. "Stop!" Matsuda yelled. "You will be in danger!" L continued. Light smirked and turned away. I opened the elevator and ran through. Before the door shut L slid in and stood next to me. We were really close. He smelled like a candy store.

He awkwardly reached into his pocket and pulled out a strawberry. "Here." He said with a gentle smile. The mood changed completely. I smiled and took it. It tasted sweeter then normal. "I coated it in caramel." L said handing you a recipe sheet from out of his pocket.

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