Chapter 7: "Straight to work"

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Ding! The elevator slid open and I was greeted by a man who seemed to be giving himself a pep talk due to his stance and facial expression. "H-hi, I'm Matsuda!" He said as I walked out of the elevator. "I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you." I said with a polite bow. "Yeah, w-would you like to meet the rest of my team?" He said nervously, he sounded like a child who had a crush on every girl he met.

"Sure!" I said enthusiastically. I turned to L, he gave me an affirming thumbs up and then Matsuda pointed to a group of people crowded behind him. Suddenly a boy walked out from the crowd right towards me. "Nice to meet you, my name is Light Yagami and my father is in charge of this group." He said holding my palm both of his hands. "Oh, thank you." I said as a drop of sweat ran down my forehead. That's Kira? No way! He's too nice!

Ryuzaki finally walked towards me and joined the conversation, "If you don't mind (Y/n), I will now introduce you to the rest of our crew." He stated with a tone which implied 'I have no choice'. As he introduced everyone, he gave them a detailed explanation... except for himself. That was a shame because he's the one I wanted an explanation on the most. After Ryuzaki had explained, he walked towards a large monitor.

"Get to work everyone!" Yelled Ryuzaki. Suddenly everyone swung right onto their seats and began to grab their laptops and type. "Ryuzaki, what do I do?" I said sitting down at a desk near his giant monitor. "Look into the police files for the criminals who died of heart attacks, write their names and where they died." He said handing me a laptop and a notepad.

"I'm on it!" I said giving a confident smile. While the laptop loaded the files, I couldn't help but think what my family could possibly be doing. My mum and dad weren't very good people... not at all. They were reported for stealing and even assault. But even so, they loved me. And they have already gone to jail for their crimes but... I believe they still stole. The file loaded very slowly until finally... ding!

"Yes!" I whispered as I opened my notebook and clicked my pen. I began to scroll... and write... scroll and write... scroll... and write. The process was boring, the names were boring. But that didn't matter! My job was important! And that in itself is exciting! As time passed my sighs grew louder. Until I saw it, that name. That one name changed my entire mood completely. (Fathers/name), that's what it said. My heart stopped. I fell off my chair and my heart began to ache. "N-no!!" I yelled as I inched myself away from my desk.

"(Y/n)!" L said as he rushed towards me. "Why are you holding your chest, are you having a heart attack?!" Ryuzaki held me shoved me onto the desk. "My heart aches..." I managed to mumble out through the pain. "My dad... Kira killed him." I said with no emotion but pain in my voice. Ls expression was fear, nothing but fear. Was he worried for me?

I inched my eyes over to the rest of the crew and I sat up, the pain stopped. "I-I'm alive!" I yelled as I held my hands onto my head. "So, it was shock... not Kira?!" Matsuda said rushing to my side. My eyes began to look at the others. Everyone's eyes showed fear but... Light was... smiling. "Why is Light—" I mumbled before L shoved his hand onto my mouth.

"I noticed to, don't say anything or you will be his next target." Ryuzaki whispered into my ear. Light's expression quickly change and he ran to me. "Are you okay?!" He whispered with a clearly fake frown on his face. "I-I'm fine..." I whispered but then I stopped. It finally hit, my dad... he's... dead.

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