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*Takes very deep breath* I'm doing this because I love you guys. Otherwise the idea would never ever even possibly cross my mind. This kinda starts as a Lams. I did not want to make Johnny a villain, but....Prepare for sadness. Trigger warning: Abusive relationship, suicide. 

"Thomas? Dude, snap out of it." Aaron said, waving his hand in front of his face. Thomas reacted as if someone had dumped a bucket of water on his head. "What? What happened?" he asked, blinking his eyes. Aaron scoffed. "You zoned out for like 20 minutes. Class is starting." Thomas flushed red. "Sorry." he muttered, grabbing his stuff from his backpack. He looked over at Hamilton, who was sitting cuddled up to Laurens, who frankly, looked bored. Thomas sighed. He had loved Hamilton since forever, but it was clear Hamilton loved Laurens instead. 

Thomas was rushing through the halls, late for class. He stopped by the lockers when he heard arguing. Hamilton had tears running down his face, while Laurens was standing with his arms crossed, glaring. Thomas felt himself get angry, watching Laurens casually mock Hamilton, and not showing any remorse as he sobbed. Laurens stomped away, leaving Hamilton kneeling on the ground. Thomas approached him. "Hey, Hamilton. Are you okay?" he asked, crouching to his eye level. "Yeah. I know he doesn't mean it. H-he still loves me." Hamilton stuttered, sounding like he was convincing himself rather than Thomas. Thomas offered him his hand, but Hamilton flinched away. "Hamilton..." Thomas started. "I'm not going to hit you." he whispered. Hamilton nodded and let Thomas help him stand. 

When they reached the classrooms, Alexander turned to Thomas. "You'd better leave. John doesn't like me talking to people." he said quietly. "But he'll hurt you." Thomas said, a pained expression on his face. Alex shook his head. "Please go." he whispered, backing away. 

"What the hell were you thinking?" Laurens hissed, clutching Alex's wrist. "Telling Jeffershit all your weak little problems? Do you like him or something?" Alex shook his head fearfully. Laurens scoffed. "Of course you do, you little slut." he growled, backhanding him across the face. He shoved Alex to the ground. "Talk to him again, and you're dead." 

Alex stood as quickly as he could, hiding in a storage closet. He jumped when he heard a knock. "Hamilton?" he heard Thomas whisper. Alex opened the door open slightly. "You can't be here." he whispered. Thomas heard the tears in his voice. "Did he hit you?" he asked. Alex was silent. "Alex." Thomas asked again. "Did he hit you?" The sob that came from behind the door was all the answer he needed. 

He held Alex as he sobbed into his shoulder. "Alex, you should tell someone about this." Thomas told him, but Alex immediately shook his head. "I can't. I'm nothing without him." he stuttered. The fear in his face was enough for Thomas's eyes to well up. "Alex, listen. You don't have to be with him." Thomas choked. "He could kill you."  Alex stood up. "Thank you for your help. But I can't. You don't understand." 

Alex sat quietly while John ranted. "You don't even care, you stupid bitch!" he shouted, grabbing Alex by the hair and forcing him to look at him. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He let go and stalked away. "You should just kill yourself." 

Thomas saw the message before he realized what was going on. 

Thomas, I can't thank you enough for helping me when I needed it. Your kindness was a beam of light in a world of darkness. I wish I could have returned the favor, and been a friend to you like you were to me. ~Alex

Thomas drove as fast as he could to Alex's house. By the time he made it there, the house had a lingering feeling of dread. He fell to his knees when he saw Alex curled up on the floor, bloodied cuts and bruises covering his arms. 

Why couldn't I save you?

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