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Suggested by @SapphireThePansexual. You guys get the idea, right? Coworkers, blah blah blah. It's gonna be a short one cause life sucks. Here goes nothing...

"Oh my god, Jefferson, you idiot! How do you not get it!?" Hamilton shouted. Washington sighed from behind them, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Indoor voices, son." he reprimanded quietly. "I'm not your son." Hamilton said automatically, before continuing. "The debt plan is a work of genius, and don't act like you could do any better." Jefferson scoffed. "Yeah, right." Those two words sent Hamilton into a ranting fit. Washington threw his hands in the air. "Enough! Take a walk, both of you. We'll discuss this further tomorrow."  Hamilton refused to stop justifying his debt plan, continually listing reasons why his plan was better, or why Jefferson was an idiot. "Hamilton, shut up already!" Jefferson rolled his eyes. "Make me." Hamilton scoffed. Jefferson shook his head, stomping off.  

"Alright, Hamilton, Jefferson, try not to kill each other." Washington ordered, sitting down. "We need to help France! They gave us all of the supplies  we needed to win the war!" Jefferson began. "Are you willing to pay for it? It would drain the budget by 60%!" Hamilton interrupted. Jefferson shot him a glare. "So you're worried there'd be less money for you to steal?" he asked sarcastically. Hamilton went white. "You're lying." he protested weakly. Jefferson laughed, "Sure I am." before leaving Hamilton standing there stuttering. 

"If you say so much as one word I'm going to strangle you." Hamilton hissed. "You couldn't even reach my neck." Jefferson teased, purposely looking down on the much shorter man. "I could too!" Hamilton shouted, trying to jump up. At that moment though, Jefferson had tilted his head down, and their lips ended up pressed against each other's for a fraction of a moment. Jefferson drew back first. "Wow, Hamilton, and here I thought you didn't like me." he smirked. Hamilton blushed. "I-I-I don't." he stuttered. Jefferson laughed. "You keep telling yourself that, darlin'. Maybe then you might believe it." 

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