⭐10k Reads Special⭐

243 1 4

First and foremost, it's been a while. 

I pledged that this book would remain a shrine to the past, forever preserved in exact memory, but you persistent little devils kept on reading, and my Oneshots have hit over 10,050 reads. Unbelievable, since I started it as a time killer at a point where finals were kicking my ass and I needed a place to distract myself. 

I absolutely love all of you for sticking around my inconsistent and crappy stories all this time, and I have an announcement. 

Starting this week, I will be diligently writing any request/prompt you send me, and posting them for you all, despite the book being Discontinued, until October 30th

It's been a while since I wrote any Jamilton, but I still love the ship and I have many new tactics and writing styles that I've accumulated these past 2 years.

Go nuts, babies. Send me every single  angsty, smutty, downright-tooth-rotting fluff you'd ever want.

Kisses to you,


Jamilton OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now