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So, this is a angst story where Alex is being bullied by the asshole himself, Charles Lee. Thomas is obviously his hero. High school setting. Trigger warnings: Homophobia, bullying, depression, swearing. 

 Alex ducked out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang, hoping to avoid attention drawn to himself. He managed to reach the back stairs, before a fist caught him in the jaw. "Why in such a rush, faggot?" Charles hissed, shoving him backwards. Alex curled up around himself, trying in vain to shield himself from the onslaught of kicks and punches. "No wonder you have to hide that fact," Charles taunted. "Who'd love you? Your parents died just so they didn't have to have you as a son." Alex bit his lip and held back tears, not about to give Charles the satisfaction of seeing him cry. "Alright, Lee, that'll be enough." a voice said. Charles glared at him. "What's it to you?" he asked, walking closer to the stranger. "I said, that's enough." they said again. Lee laughed. "Mind your own business." Lee threw a punch, but was abruptly knocked to the ground. Alex opened one eye and looked up. "Hello, Hamilton." Thomas drawled. Alex held his hands over his face. "Oh. You're bleeding pretty bad." Thomas commented, concerned. "It's nothing." Alex whispered, struggling to stand up. His knees buckled, and he slumped back down against the wall. "Come on." Thomas said, offering his hand for support. Alex pulled himself up. "You need a ride home?" Thomas asked. Alex nodded. "Thanks." he said quietly. Thomas drove him over to his apartment. Thomas helped him sit down, then handed him a tissue for his nose, which had mostly stopped bleeding. "Thanks, Jefferson." Alex sighed. "It's fine. Call me Thomas." he said, sitting down. Thomas's phone beeped. "Shit. I've got to go. Are you gonna be okay?" he asked Alex. He nodded. "I'm fine. Thanks again for your help." After Thomas left, Alex walked to his room, and got his razors from under his bed. He started crying as he ran the blades down his forearms, over old and new scars. 

"Why the hell do you keep defending him?!"  his father screamed at his mother. She held young Alex away from her drunken husband. "He doesn't know any better!" she cried, as he slapped her across her face. "Your son is a useless mistake!" He roared. He snatched Alex from her arms, ignoring his mothers' scream. "You are a curse," he yelled in Alex's face. He wrapped his hands around young Alex's throat. He gasped for breath, his eyes growing heavy, but then his father's body shuddered and fell to the side. Alex looked up to see his mother brandishing a chair, looking scared out of her wits. "Come on, baby. We need to leave now." 

Alex sobbed harder, cutting deeper. 

"Alex, sweetie, I'm sorry." his mother coughed. She was hardly sitting up, her face pale and thin. "Don't go!" 12 year old Alex whispered, clutching her hands. She smiled at him sadly, before her eyes glazed over and her hands went stiff. 

Alex gasped. He had never cut this deep before. So what? You deserve to die anyway, he thought. He sat back against his bed with the intention to bleed out. "Alex?" he heard Thomas call out. Alex sat up quickly. 'What is he doing here?' he thought, alarmed. "Hey, Alex, I forgot my backpack. Are you okay?" Thomas called again. Alex tried to sweep his razors out of sight, but Thomas heard him. "Oh, my god." he exhaled. He grabbed his phone, rapidly dialing. He picked up Alex carefully as the ambulance arrived. "I'm so sorry, Alex, I shouldn't have left you alone," he whispered to him as he was loaded into the back. He went to say something but his head felt heavy and his eyes shut. 

Alex woke up to a bright hospital room and monitors beeping beside him. His arms itched from what he assumed were stitches. "Oh, good lord. He's awake." a doctor said beside him. "Are you okay, honey?" the nurse asked. Alex nodded. "There's a young man who's been waiting all night to see you. Can I let him in?" Alex  gulped and nervously agreed. She opened the door and Thomas burst in. "ALEX! ARE YOU OKAY? WHAT HAPPENED I'M SO SORRY I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE" He hugged Alex as gently as he could, but he still winced. Thomas regrettably let go, sitting on a nearby chair. Thomas started pacing around the room, talking at a rapid pace to the nurses and making sure Alex was perfectly comfortable.  "Hey, Thomas?" Alex asked quietly. Thomas sat up straighter immediately. "What's wrong? Do you need anything? Are you-" Alex cut him off by grabbing his collar and kissing him gently. "Shut up." he smiled. Thomas grinned and kissed him gently again. "Okay." 

After Alex was let out of the hospital, they sold his old apartment, which was the source of too many unhappy memories, and Alex moved in to Thomas's house, where Thomas protected him tirelessly from everything and everyone. The day after graduation, the two of them were sitting underneath the tree beside Thomas's house. Alex was fiddling with a flower chain while Thomas ran his hands through Alex's hair. "Hey, Alex?" Thomas asked suddenly. "Can I ask you something?" Alex sat up. "Sure." Thomas took a deep breath and stood, pulling Alex up with him. "Alex, I love you. I want to protect you forever, because you make my life meaningful." he slowly bent down to one knee. "If you're ready and it is something you want, will you do me the incredible honor of marrying me?" He pulled out a ring made of twisting silver bands with diamonds nestled between them. Alex felt happy tears rise in his eyes. "Yes." he breathed quietly, but Thomas heard and smiled wider. He slid the ring onto his finger and spun Alex around. "I love you, Hamilton." he announced, kissing him. Alex cupped his face in his hands. "I love you too." 

1013 words for y'all. Stay weird! 💙

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